Milktoast Bandit
Dominate with compassion...
- Enneagram
- 9
Usually is the key word. And usually is subjective and how one person interprets it
Healthy INFJs don't door slam as a common habit.
Usually is the key word. And usually is subjective and how one person interprets it
Healthy INFJs don't door slam as a common habit.
I have to slam my garage door every time I close it. It just doesn't get the picture otherwise. I try to help it close nicely, over and over, and it refuses. Then I'm like, "Look, I'm an INFJ and I will slam you."
Seems like you could benefit from setting boundaries and/or respecting the boundaries of others...unconditional and unlimited chances person
The former
So it's the latterI don’t like rules in general
Someone "doorslammed" you. You want to reopen the door that they closed. How is is that making someone feel respected?I listen to people I care for and respect. I can dislike like rules and still want someone to feel respected
I listen to people I care for and respect
Doorslamming is a bit disrespectful when it’s done out of misunderstandings and confusion without having conversation
You might not want to buy something today but that doesn’t mean you won’t at some other point and I should stop marketing to you.
From what I've read, that is on your perception of things. You have an opportunity now, to respect the boundaries set by the other person, or keep pushing, in which case you may get the real reason why you've been shut out, but it will only keep you out. It won't get you back in.Doorslamming is a bit disrespectful when it’s done out of misunderstandings and confusion without having conversation
As has been noted multiple times (without you absorbing it for some reason) doorslamming only occurs after multiple warnings/attempts/conversations
If you are equating relationships to business deals then you are quite lost
Doorslamming is a bit disrespectful when it’s done out of misunderstandings and confusion without having conversation. Also allows them to avoid responsibility, too. And the door isn’t always locked. Most people say one thing and do another anyways. Or constantly change their mind.
You might not want to buy something today but that doesn’t mean you won’t at some other point and I should stop marketing to you. Is that disrespectful?
I’m sure you’ve bought something after you’ve said no before
"Genuinely," "people person," and "listen," are the key words. And are subjective and how one person interprets itI like everyone and am genuinely a people person. So, yeah, I listen
Sales is sales. Same principles apply. Human to human interaction exists and so do feelings. Relationship management is a huge thing these days
"Genuinely," "people person," and "listen," are the key words. And are subjective and how one person interprets it