What Does Te Look Like?

Are you sure that isn't Fe? I've heard that Te dominant people can be pretty harsh with their wording. They're more aggressive in maximizing results through any means necessary if their Fi isn't well developed.

Fe is more like, say nice things to say nice things.

Te is more like, say nice things to get something, if they say nice things at all.

Wouldn't the result of saying nice things make the other particular person happier thus affecting how the INFJ feels about that particular person and the environment?

I think if Te needs to say nice things in order to get something, it'll say it. Otherwise, Te only says nice things when it's needed and/0r warranted.
Fe will tell you want you want to hear
Te will tell you want you should hear
Yep; this. BUT There are Te users (And Fe users vice versa) who understood human psyche / psychology / having lots of experience, they how to 'get into' someone's good graces, or how not to offend someone. They'll gracefully pass through one's defenses, rarely hitting your point of discontent, because they (mostly) know the limits of "those F people".

But that's not to say they won't go hard; in fact it'll be otherwise. When they'll go hard, they will, and they will do it well.

Fe is more like, say nice things to say nice things.

Te is more like, say nice things to get something, if they say nice things at all.
The thing about those Fe-imitating Te users are it's often what's needed. The counter effect to the Te users' syndrome of feeling right ALL the time. It's... Not necessarily about 'getting something', and unlike Fe which's about how to be "nice" or "friendly" but more like "laying low". Social masquerading. Staying under the radar. But it's not an action, it's a skill.

That being said, genuine nice things said from those Te users are genuine. They probably wouldn't say "awwww you're good and you're a great person", but they would say "at least you've tried."

Maybe its their E that makes them appear somewhat "charming"?
I agreed.
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Te dominants seem to identify with their roles in an organization, whether it be a company or a family or whatever, quite strongly.
Does anyone have an example of what Te thinking looks like? I'm talking about what an inner monologue for a Te dominant or a Te auxiliary might be.

Internally I think Te users are constantly trying to figure out how to make things work or what makes things work. Theyre constantly unraveling mysteries etc.

My cousins ex gf died, tbh she killed herself. Instead of focusing on why she would have done such a thing, he spent all his time looking for plots and loopholes and reasons as to why someone would murder her. The letter made it very clear though.

But it was odd the way he jumped from Amy died to, someone killed Amy.
Does anyone have an example of what Te thinking looks like? I'm talking about what an inner monologue for a Te dominant or a Te auxiliary might be.


Ti: How does this particular function work? What is the precise detail? How can I leverage how these precise details work to maximum effect?

Ti focuses on the individual, the micro scale, leverage, and personal efforts. Ti likes to tinker individually. Ti frequently misses the big picture.

Te: How does this relate to everything else? What is the overall big picture? How can the big picture be used to maximize efficiency, and who needs to do what?

Te focuses on the whole, the macro scale, multiple systems working simultaneously, and group efforts. Te likes to delegate. Te frequently misses the fine details.
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Does anyone have an example of what Te thinking looks like? I'm talking about what an inner monologue for a Te dominant or a Te auxiliary might be.

A friend of mine told that "I want to make a personal cookbook" >> in her head >> "I want to list my meal options according certain classificiation so choosing it would be easy, and every ingredients and method are written and I can be more efficient in doing it."
Does anyone have an example of what Te thinking looks like? I'm talking about what an inner monologue for a Te dominant or a Te auxiliary might be.

for me Te is like: "what else do I have to pack for my trip? I have to get more memory for my camera and I also need to stop by the pharmacist which is on the way to the camerastore so I can go there after the camera store. But the pharmacist closes very early so I should go there first.

that is also how my ISTJ collegue thinks like. It is very handy in a laboratory environement where you have to make sure for example that you have all the necessary parts and tools for your experiment before you start it so you don't have to stop your experiment because you ran out of DNA for example. My ESTP collegue is terrible in this, she always forgets something and therefore needs to do some kind of ugly manouvre to rescue at least a part of her experiment. Funny is that my ISTJ colelgue is soooo good in this, she is perfect in it. I can pull it off with a bit of effort but I always forget something. That is I think the difference between Te dominancy and Te inferiority :-)

it is like fitting everything into a graphic or schedule. At school the only way for me to remember things was making a drawing of it and fit every little part of the theory in it so that I only have to look at the drawing and would see the whole theory in front of me with all the connections and interactions between the different parts. The more things I could connect with eachother in a schedule the more happy I was. It gave the world more sense or something. I use Te to give structure to my mind

when you are walking in a unknown city, it is Te that will lead the way flawless. One look at the map combined with a good sense of orientation is all it needs to get you where you have to be.

Yes, Te isnt very flattering at all imo. Its aggressive and doesnt care about others feelings.
Te is a function it doesn't care, Fe doesn't care either. You don't care or love with your functions, you make decisions with them. Whether you love or care while making a decision is up to the person. Saying that Te is aggressive is like saying that a gun is aggressive because it can be used to kill. It can also be used to protect. Te is basing your decisions on thinking/logic while Fe is basing your decisions on external values. The first MAY look colder or less caring when used but it is not, its a tool. I can give examples of people using Te to care for others and people using Fe to make themselves better, and visa versa. You can use the tools in a positive or negative way, but the tool is neither of that.

ok to give an example, my father is a Te user and can never say that I have done something right because he is a perfectionist and perfection can never be reached. But I know he loves me very much because of the things he does for. He use Te to care for me. I have rather that than an Fe user who says all the right things to me but doesn't give a damn about me...

we should stop to judge a function based on personal experiences with certain people and start looking at the functions in an objective way... thats my opinion :-)
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Morgain, how about if instead of saying "Te doesn't care for others feelings" we replace it with "Te makes decisions with logic first, feelings second"?

And instead of saying that Te is "aggressive" we replace it with "is efficiency-driven and goal-oriented.?

The same context, different wording :D
Morgain, how about if instead of saying "Te doesn't care for others feelings" we replace it with "Te makes decisions with logic first, feelings second"?

The same context, different wording :D

is it the same context? "Caring for other peoples feelings" is not the same as "making decisions based on "feelings"" (values and morals). You can make a decision based on logic because you care for others.
imagine you are together with a child and there is not enoughf food for everyone:
Te would give the food to the child because he can go without food much longer than the child
Fe would give the food to the child because it is moraly just to serve its needs first
both are caring towards the child but in a different way

And instead of saying that Te is "aggressive" we replace it with "is efficiency-driven and goal-oriented.?
that is much better :w:
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is it the same context? "Caring for other peoples feelings" is not the same as "making decisions based on "feelings"" (values and morals). You can make a decision based on logic because you care for others.
imagine you are together with a child and there is not enoughf food for everyone:
Te would give the food to the child because he can go without food much longer than the child
Fe would give the food to the child because it is moraly just to serve its needs first
both are caring towards the child but in a different way

that is much better :w:

You are SO right, that is the difference between character and personality type.

People are made up of more then just a personality type, that is why there are good and bad people of every type.

Though I dont think feelings have to do with morality any more then logical thoughts.

I think feelings have to do with empathizing with an others state of being, and just being able to walk in their shoes.

Morality is what is the right thing to do. you can come to that same result with feeling or thought, just as you could come up with the wrong thing to do.
Te appears like flattery usually. They tell you what you want to hear.

This isn't Te. Te couldn't care less what anyone wants to hear.

There's a reason why Fe-users tend to be considered persuasive/charming, etc. They know what people want to hear. Without Fe, ESTPs wouldn't be the excellent salesmen they are.
Te is boring and pedantic.

Head over to the INTJ forums and you'll find out what Te looks like. Te is actually mostly grey and shaped somewhat like a Bulgarian prison cell, and somewhat like chicken entrails depending on what side you are looking at. It also has a strong odor which many find to be quite offensive.
This isn't Te. Te couldn't care less what anyone wants to hear.

There's a reason why Fe-users tend to be considered persuasive/charming, etc. They know what people want to hear. Without Fe, ESTPs wouldn't be the excellent salesmen they are.
I would say Te know, but don't care. Think of it terms of how it can affects emotional state, which can affect efficiency. Fe is more..fluid, while I imagined Te would keep "What sentence and attitude works and what doesn't" in a mental table kind of way.
I can't tell you what Te looks like to you but I can tell you how it thinks. Te is seeing a goal in mind then looking at the big picture. A path is mapped out and the process is in motion. Te leads me to fast decision making by plotting the fastest route. I don't fuss over the details & it doesn't matter too much about how we get as long as we get there.
I'm more like the kind of person who will take the hwy rather than the scenic route.

I can see things well before they happen by observing the system around me. I will take in the details when they matter and I am always scanning the details for a pattern but I will quickly dismiss a detail if it isn't relevant. A good example of that is my company is in the middle of a restructure. There was a lot of speculation on what that would involve. Many options were touted as being near confirmed but I could see that most of this was just rumour and the option I thought most likely was the one that was taken. Not because I'm brilliant but because it's the option with the most flexibility in the long run and made the most strategic sense from a profit standpoint. It was also the option that upset the most people because of the perceived lack of benefit to the employees individually.

Te also leads me astray by overlaying past patterns onto current data that appears to fit the pattern. I may then overlook some other details, dismissing them as irrelevant and choosing instead to see the pattern I am looking for. Confirmation bias. Te is a pattern mapper that works brilliantly in many situations and fails big time in others.

Te isn't concerned with how you feel about the situation it's concerned with the solution. Consequently it rubs people up the wrong way when what they are seeking is validation rather than solutions. Te also pulls everything to pieces, deconstructs it then puts it back together just because that's fun and entertaining to the mind. It can also be destructive to relationships when it becomes obsessive over a detail or perceived pattern. Things are not easily forgiven with Te because it doesn't want to let go and it seeks out further data that fits the pattern.

Te scans for details and sorts into boxes for later reference. This is a constant need to know and need to find out more. If someone is digging deeper and deeper for more data that's Te at work.

Hope this helps. Your smilies here are all animated, expressive and unique. They are all extremely cute. The smilies on the INTJ forum are all bog standard, I guess we don't care about cute...
Te could be summed up as tough love. I do what's good for you\me, not necessarily what makes us feel good.
related question: How do you develop Te to the level of an xNTJ?
Does anyone have an example of what Te thinking looks like? I'm talking about what an inner monologue for a Te dominant or a Te auxiliary might be.


Its my auxillary function. I dont know that I could explain it farther than "Thats stupid." Thats smart" "Thats right" "Thats wrong" "I like this" "I dislike this". That all comes automatic. The whys and hows come afterwards.

As of late I have just been saying "like" and "dislike" like RL is facebook. Mocking my own thinking, disguising it as a joke, and exagerrating its simplicity.

Which according to wiki seems to make sense: ISTJs use this function to actively process and evaluate their perceptions.
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