Does anyone have an example of what Te thinking looks like? I'm talking about what an inner monologue for a Te dominant or a Te auxiliary might be.
for me Te is like: "what else do I have to pack for my trip? I have to get more memory for my camera and I also need to stop by the pharmacist which is on the way to the camerastore so I can go there after the camera store. But the pharmacist closes very early so I should go there first.
that is also how my ISTJ collegue thinks like. It is very handy in a laboratory environement where you have to make sure for example that you have all the necessary parts and tools for your experiment before you start it so you don't have to stop your experiment because you ran out of DNA for example. My ESTP collegue is terrible in this, she always forgets something and therefore needs to do some kind of ugly manouvre to rescue at least a part of her experiment. Funny is that my ISTJ colelgue is soooo good in this, she is perfect in it. I can pull it off with a bit of effort but I always forget something. That is I think the difference between Te dominancy and Te inferiority
it is like fitting everything into a graphic or schedule. At school the only way for me to remember things was making a drawing of it and fit every little part of the theory in it so that I only have to look at the drawing and would see the whole theory in front of me with all the connections and interactions between the different parts. The more things I could connect with eachother in a schedule the more happy I was. It gave the world more sense or something. I use Te to give structure to my mind
when you are walking in a unknown city, it is Te that will lead the way flawless. One look at the map combined with a good sense of orientation is all it needs to get you where you have to be.
Yes, Te isnt very flattering at all imo. Its aggressive and doesnt care about others feelings.
Te is a function it doesn't care, Fe doesn't care either. You don't care or love with your functions, you make decisions with them. Whether you love or care while making a decision is up to the person. Saying that Te is aggressive is like saying that a gun is aggressive because it can be used to kill. It can also be used to protect. Te is basing your decisions on thinking/logic while Fe is basing your decisions on external values. The first MAY look colder or less caring when used but it is not, its a tool. I can give examples of people using Te to care for others and people using Fe to make themselves better, and visa versa. You can use the tools in a positive or negative way, but the tool is neither of that.
ok to give an example, my father is a Te user and can never say that I have done something right because he is a perfectionist and perfection can never be reached. But I know he loves me very much because of the things he does for. He use Te to care for me. I have rather that than an Fe user who says all the right things to me but doesn't give a damn about me...
we should stop to judge a function based on personal experiences with certain people and start looking at the functions in an objective way... thats my opinion