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Way ahead of the curve...

no mention of Deming...hmm

This was fucking beautiful. ❤️

You just time-tripped me to 1979-1984 and 1987-1991.

Because I was a technology necromancer.

I haven’t thought about RLL and MFM in ages. Seeing that manual page detailing the nature of the flux transitions was like falling into a wormhole.

Fuck Yes,

edit: I forgot to mention, when he mentioned writing in assembly on foreign metal, I got excited.

In the mid-1980s, corporations were dumping all kinds of goodies...I either made deals, or went dumpster diving.

Sadly, some of those beasts required circuits I did not have at home, nor could I have afforded the electric bill.
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One of my fave levels from Doom64...for the gameplay, yes, but also for the architecture and mood.
