A lot of reasons why I joined, mainly I think it's because my INFJ friend IRL is just so much fun I became curious about how much similarity there was between her and other INFJs and stuck around once I started to enjoy my time here. The deciding factor that made me create an account was just a funny thread though, so...So if you're not an INFJ but are part of this group, what led you to join?
That's case by case and based on individuals and not type, but for the most part yes. I find that I don't hate any INFJs on this forum there are only a select few who just bore me and I don't interact with them, and I feel the same way about the non-INFJs on the forum.Do you like INFJ's?
For the most part, yes.Have good conversations with them? Comforted by them?
I'm not curious about them, they're curious about me!Just curious about them?