What's the reason for non-INFJ's being part of this website?

So if you're not an INFJ but are part of this group, what led you to join?
A lot of reasons why I joined, mainly I think it's because my INFJ friend IRL is just so much fun I became curious about how much similarity there was between her and other INFJs and stuck around once I started to enjoy my time here. The deciding factor that made me create an account was just a funny thread though, so...
Do you like INFJ's?
That's case by case and based on individuals and not type, but for the most part yes. I find that I don't hate any INFJs on this forum there are only a select few who just bore me and I don't interact with them, and I feel the same way about the non-INFJs on the forum.
Have good conversations with them? Comforted by them?
For the most part, yes.
Just curious about them?
I'm not curious about them, they're curious about me!

INFP here. I joined this forum when I thought I was INFJ, because some online test told me so, lol. Anyway, on my journey of discovering that I'm really an INFP, I made some friends here and honestly this is just really a great forum vs any where else. The INFP forum is a ghost town and I haven't been there in ages anyway.
I visited my intro thread, and apparently my original purpose here was to "capture, dissect one(INFJ) and then send my findings into Science magazine." They weren't interested, but I hung around, nonetheless.

I don't really stick around because this is an INFJ forum, but because I've met a lot of cool, interesting people here. And so even though I may not be as prolific a poster as I once was, I'm still always going to come back here. Up to the point, someone discovers all the corpses of past INFJ members in my basement.
I visited my intro thread, and apparently my original purpose here was to "capture, dissect one(INFJ) and then send my findings into Science magazine." They weren't interested, but I hung around, nonetheless.

I don't really stick around because this is an INFJ forum, but because I've met a lot of cool, interesting people here. And so even though I may not be as prolific a poster as I once was, I'm still always going to come back here. Up to the point, someone discovers all the corpses of past INFJ members in my basement.
But really the truth of it is we keep you as our prisoner. ❤
I visited my intro thread, and apparently my original purpose here was to "capture, dissect one(INFJ) and then send my findings into Science magazine." They weren't interested, but I hung around, nonetheless.
INTJs...*rolls eyes*. Tin Man, look, you have the right idea, but you're too obvious about it, man. Pedophiles use candy to get little children into their vans, right? Same principle.
INTJs...*rolls eyes*. Tin Man, look, you have the right idea, but you're too obvious about it, man. Pedophiles use candy to get little children into their vans, right? Same principle.

Hm, interesting idea.

On a completely separate note, I've got some weird poetry and hot INTPs in my van. It's the one with the blacked out windows and faint scent of despair.
I found this place by chance and I have come to enjoy it. While I think the site should be a majority INFJ's it helps conversation to have people coming from radically different view points.

While some of you drive me up the wall I would not change for a second who drives me up the wall :D

We all seek balance in our lives and I recognize that INFJ's keep me from being an idealistic robot.
My reasons:

- Before I knew much typology, infj was one of the typings I'd have considered, and in fact, it was only after I decided to totally remove connection between big 5 extraversion and the extraversion we mean in typing by functions that I could take seriously that I could be an e-type....so really it seemed like I was an infj or intp for a long time.
In fact by now I think it's common for people to be introverts in one and extraverts in another.

- I think I'm N-dominant, that's one of the most certain things right now, and I seem to find other N-dominants share plenty with me no matter what type they are

- same reason someone hangs out in the INFJ subforum of a more general personality site -- people like to get to know the types in close range

- maybe I'm not experienced enough with this site, but INFJ is usually a 'sought after type,' and I'm a bit pleasantly surprised at the (relative) lack of witch-hunting "there's NO way X is an INFJ!!! Either a mistyped sensor or an INFP....can you see how they just talk about themselves and don't care about others? Fi..."
- maybe I'm not experienced enough with this site, but INFJ is usually a 'sought after type,' and I'm a bit pleasantly surprised at the (relative) lack of witch-hunting "there's NO way X is an INFJ!!! Either a mistyped sensor or an INFP....can you see how they just talk about themselves and don't care about others? Fi..."

I've read this called "type flaming" before. There was at one time a lot of it from certain members on the community, but I don't think this kind of thing is very well tolerated here.
I don't have a problem with it, I'm just curious. I've never joined a group about (note I didn't say 'for') a different type, but it doesn't necessarily mean I wouldn't want to in future, who knows.

So if you're not an INFJ but are part of this group, what led you to join? Do you like INFJ's? Have good conversations with them? Comforted by them? Just curious about them?

I wouldn't have thought anyone would join if they disliked INFJ's, I've seen a few posts/responses from people of other types where they've been offensive but those are only a few occasions. And only major arseholes would join this join just to bash INFJ's :p- and that would be very rare

I'm worried people might think I'm making a dig and I don't want to deal with shitty in responses today, I promise I'm just curious
I see by your join date your new here. Ya know the guy who started this site was not an INFJ. He liked the type...
Sometimes I wonder why other types come here. I always hope that they're not just loafing around, soaking up the INFJ juices, that they're actually here to try and learn something from us INFJs or from the type of environment we try to create (even if we struggle sometimes)...

Giving more thought to what I said here, and to the OP, I think that people who stay here a long time do learn from us or from our ideas about the world. I think that they become more like us in some ways. I mean no disrespect by saying that; they remain uniquely themselves, and I do not mean at all to say that there is any thing wrong with them or superior about us that means that they should be more like us. But I read somewhere that at higher levels of development, different types become more and more alike. I think it's good for different types to be together, because we observe each other's strengths and find out how we might change if we want to.
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