I've also got it on a good source that you are, in fact, #1. I can't say I have this confirmed and if pressed this is just hearsay, but I've got this feeling...Bring it on, bring it on.![]()
PS I'm a 9th degree black belt who can bench presses 900lbs and can cut bricks with my hands.
Fuck the social order, I do what I want and ain't nothin that can stop me.
alright, semantics aside...Infj's are a very rare type, yea most dont believe that but we are. Our ways are not the ways of anyone else in our lives, we have all floundered and foraged in the face of social anxieties, we go into shadow modes and feel like complete asses...Social situations are hard when you KNOW you are socially awkward. You see clearly how others react to you like you have the strangest opinions to everything.
So maybe thats it...
Because I listen rather than waiting for a spot to talk.
In truth, they just don't think you're worthy enough to make friends with. (One of the biggest weaknesses of Ni-doms that is glossed over in almost all type descriptions.)
This. Even on online.A lot of what keeps me from really being outgoing and socializing is the thought of "How could this go wrong?" "could someone take what I say or do the wrong way?" "what would happen if it goes wrong?" etc.
When it comes to actually initiating that contact, I've got a high level of anxiety about the possible outcomes and how things could be misconstrued if someone were to mull something over as much as I do.
If we actually get to talking, I can really talk up a storm and feed off of and give back to the energy that comes from the interaction, but getting the ball rolling is the hardest part for me.