Flying Quesadilla
- Enneagram
- 9w8 sx/so
Holy shit stop bumping this shitty thread please.

¤~¤ I think Felidire mentions an issue that does produce a lot of annoyance both ways.
¤ In such situations, it can be the INFJ being kind of an ostrich and leaping too unsubsiantatedly far ni-wise and not account for it in the way it words itself, or it can be the INTP who does not grasp the bigger picture or intent of the INFJs uttering.
~¤ INFJ banging head into sadness and despair:
¤ For example ignoring wording that implies that the INFJ is aware of where the ni-jumps are and/or what might be "maybe" factors that could mean reality-incongruence of the idea... or simply getting lost in tangential ti-wankery(tm) over an isolated part of the text or uttering in a way that either has no bearing on the larger issue or which the INFJ didn't even think it needed to explain because it personally could derive it from the rest with relative ease.
Or... misunderstandings on the part of the INTP because the INTP is very incapable of seeing the actual whole view of another person rather than the logical structure they think they read in the post.
¤ All in all I think the most common errors INTPs make when communicating with INFJs is allowed to occur due to two common deficiencies.
~ The tendency to have their interpretation of what they hear and read detached from seeing the view from inside the other person, a capacity in which they usually are heavily lacking.
~ The related tendency to grab a hold of things they can interpret to be logical inconsistencies without having properly understood the whole idea/perspective, an understanding which would have made them interpret it in a different manner so that it would not look logically inconsistent anymore.
¤ Ways to partially compensate: Talk to INTPs as if they will willfully misinterpret or assume ignorance, stupidity and a lack of awareness of the weaker foundations of your espoused ideas. It's no panacea in the face of the subset of INTPs whose combined unintuitiveness, lack of metacognitive abilities, lack of general intelligence and biasedness is rather high.
Tangent: Interestingly, I see some parallells in how some N-doms experience talking with aux Ns to how aux Ns describe talking with sensors, albeit to a lesser degree. If one reads this and does not comprehend what is referred to, it is probably because one is a stinky non-N-dom.
~¤ INTP figuratively literally dying of frustration:
¤ Ni-jumps are OK and absolutely necessary in anything describing reality, as one has to assess probabilities for making conclusions. Many INFJs have relatively poor awareness of when their Ni-jumps are reasonable in themselves or as a Ni-jump based on a Ni-jump and can tend to be unapologetic or arrogant/certain about things they have no basis to be certain about, collapsing a lot of maybe's into a lot of it must quite definitely be so for the purpose of the next ni-jump that is based on the previous ni-jump until eventually, their idea has the structural integrity of the twin towers after 911 without them even being aware of it.
¤ Multiplying probability 0.95 x 0.98 x 0.8 x 0.96 where number 3 is only as high as 0.8 because of a conclusion one made based on number two which again was based on numbers -5, number -3 and number -7 and then some axioms one has never mentioned and doesn't consciously think about but finds self-evident and viola you have an annoying INFJ who doesn't know how incredibly shaky the structure of the idea it espouses is, yet talks as if it is the divine oracle of truth. The process of through inquiry untangling the mess the INFJ presented to figure out why the INFJ is so sure about what one cannot see why one would be sure of (in this case because the INFJ shouldn't be sure of it) becomes an exercise is tremendous patience and supressed frustration lest one gives in to the frustration and calls bullshit or demands a more rigorous presentation.
¤ INFJs prone to this usually have a higher concern (however conscious or not) for the aesthetics of their ideas and how believing in them makes them feel than the strength of their structure. They are so scared of having to perceptually adjust to a potential reality that isn't like the idea they are somewhat comfortable with that they supress internal critical analysis. So afraid of how the world might look if they are wrong that they don't even want to face their fear of being wrong. At worst, they end up being like ferocious dogs that bite erratically against something that threatens their little world, seeing hostility in attempts to illuminate parts of it that might not stand up to close scrutiny.
Holy shit stop bumping this shitty thread please.
Latte, stop picking on the locals. I doubt they enjoy our (e)intp twisted sense of humor anyways.
Still friends tho.
This thread is garbage and dead. Please rest in peace, thread.
Thank you for bringing this thread to my attention. You just don't want to talk about INTPs. This is the kind of racism I'm talking about. Trying to bury your sins and suppress the awareness of INTP hatred.
I'm just trying to have some fun. Why won't you ever let me have any fun?
Invisible people can't have fun
Have you ever thought just maybe-ee-ee you belong to me-ee-ee?