- Enneagram
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I personally think INTPs and INFJs get along very well. They both have something meticulous in their nature, they both have a playful and mischievous Fe side, and I think that they can understand one another far better than let's say an INFP and an INTP.
INTPS are those kids that dump the whole lego box talk for hours about cool ideas and building stuff, than run off cause they got bored. Than the INFJ builds awesome lego stuff by taking the ideas & theories and oh i don't know DOING something with it.
than the INFJ has to clean up all the mess. while the INTP just skips about the rest of the day.
AKA they are the
covert narcs.
LOL I love that analogy. I am an INFJ Female married to an INTP Male. He can have a bright idea and partially work on it and then leave all the tools, mess, beer cans, etc.... He will get bored or need to go research the project some more. What do I find 80% of the time a half-done project and a mess to clean up. LOL Most projects are started and completed by me around here. For the home improvements I need to be done, in the house, I am bringing my ISTP brother and INTJ Sister-In-Law in to get my INTP husband moving and learning the project as the others teach him and me. After seven years I know this well about my INTP husband. His own mother said he was not a Handy Handy Man.