Why do INFJs and INTPs hate each other so much?

I was just looking for a thread on INTPs + INFJs because an INTP just sort of befriended me. According to him, INFJs and INTPs work really well together- and when you google "the golden pair" articles about why INTPs and INFJs get along so well come up. I haven't looked a lot into it, but it seems pretty interesting to me. I don't know the INTP very well yet either, so we'll see how it goes. I love INTPs though- I "work" for one, and he's got such a cool mind.
Sorry to respond to something from 3 years ago but I felt that bluevideogame's argument needs to be refuted logically by an INFJ.
INFJs are extremely logical, often to a fault. The primary difference between the logic of an INTP and an INFJ is that INTPs primarily use logic (Ti) for the sake of processing abstract ideas (Ne) while INFJs tend to use it to help people and solve real-world problems (Fe). This is not to say that INTPs are less useful, as Einstein shows, or that INFJs are always good at helping people, as Hitler shows. But in general INTPs and INFJs can get along just fine as long as neither party is being irresponsible with their often extraordinary rhetorical abilities, something that both types are sadly prone to do if their Fe functions are not properly matured. The childish attempt at baiting us INFJs into banning them that bluevideogame added at the end of their initial tirade is quite frankly hilarious to me, as any person that INFJs (some of the best judges of character) deem wise enough to moderate them is almost guaranteed have the wisdom to not play into the hands of a troublemaker. It seems that bluevideogame is projecting their own negative emotions and tendency to react to things based on unfounded principle rather than fact (Fi being one of their shadow functions, most likely be projected) in an extremely childish way (as INTPs are prone to do when upset, due to their inferior Fe).
I wish bluevideogame the best of luck in developing their inferior and shadow functions and learning to appreciate all types equally.

Also, I would like to point out that every type can get emotional at times. I've seen some of the "coldest" IxTx types get hysterical when someone challenges them or reminds them of past wrongs. So please, "thinkers", don't be condescending. It doesn't help anyone.


P.S. My dad is an INTP and we get along pretty well
I know I've posted here before, but my information is updated.

I've spent a bit of time conversing with an INTP. He holds INFJs in super high regards and he seems like a pretty decent guy. But the thing that gets to me is he seems to think he knows INFJs really well... when in reality, he doesn't seem to at all. He asks me for advice but he doesn't want it. He tends to talk like he knows everything... and for some reason that always turns me off a person- when they act like they know everything. This has just been my experience with one INTP though. And I think it's pretty harsh to say we HATE each other XD
Sorry to respond to something from 3 years ago but I felt that bluevideogame's argument needs to be refuted logically by an INFJ.
INFJs are extremely logical, often to a fault. The primary difference between the logic of an INTP and an INFJ is that INTPs primarily use logic (Ti) for the sake of processing abstract ideas (Ne) while INFJs tend to use it to help people and solve real-world problems (Fe). This is not to say that INTPs are less useful, as Einstein shows, or that INFJs are always good at helping people, as Hitler shows. But in general INTPs and INFJs can get along just fine as long as neither party is being irresponsible with their often extraordinary rhetorical abilities, something that both types are sadly prone to do if their Fe functions are not properly matured. The childish attempt at baiting us INFJs into banning them that bluevideogame added at the end of their initial tirade is quite frankly hilarious to me, as any person that INFJs (some of the best judges of character) deem wise enough to moderate them is almost guaranteed have the wisdom to not play into the hands of a troublemaker. It seems that bluevideogame is projecting their own negative emotions and tendency to react to things based on unfounded principle rather than fact (Fi being one of their shadow functions, most likely be projected) in an extremely childish way (as INTPs are prone to do when upset, due to their inferior Fe).
I wish bluevideogame the best of luck in developing their inferior and shadow functions and learning to appreciate all types equally.

Also, I would like to point out that every type can get emotional at times. I've seen some of the "coldest" IxTx types get hysterical when someone challenges them or reminds them of past wrongs. So please, "thinkers", don't be condescending. It doesn't help anyone.


P.S. My dad is an INTP and we get along pretty well

I read through this whole thread because I am very confused about what people think about infj and intp relationships. My husband is an intp, so I am interested and confused. This was the first post of the 4 pages that made sense to me. So thank you. I am still confused, but this helped.
I personally think INTPs and INFJs get along very well. They both have something meticulous in their nature, they both have a playful and mischievous Fe side, and I think that they can understand one another far better than let's say an INFP and an INTP.
They both have/appreciate the darker side of things. (In my experience at least.) Which is something that an infp would not appreciate.
They both have/appreciate the darker side of things. (In my experience at least.) Which is something that an infp would not appreciate.
Yes! I forgot to mention that. They both are keenly aware of light vs dark, the duality within all living things. And in my experience, they both aren't afraid of their dark. Both types can be very very very dark and would only show that side to someone who could grasp it.
Yes! I forgot to mention that. They both are keenly aware of light vs dark, the duality within all living things. And in my experience, they both aren't afraid of their dark. Both types can be very very very dark and would only show that side to someone who could grasp it.

Oh, thank you. I need that. I have never understood the importance of people who emphasize the external world. They are not ready for exploring deeper stuff.
INFJs arguing is like a swarm of metaphorical killer martyr bees who kamikaze ad hominem logic error the enemy, by banning the user. They avoid the argument, maybe they can't fully grasp logical structure, they form a unit of attacking the persons character posing the argument (such as immaturity), they then make the person giving the argument get banned. Due to their hive mind mentality. All the while, the argument has not even been considered, because it hurts their feelings. Seriously INFJs. Do you all argue this way? I know that there is a great possibility of me getting banned, and you completely proving my point. And you will not even notice, that you proved my point, because you are incapable of logical analysis.
because you are incapable of logical analysis.
So very wrong...not ALL INFJ are oblivious and incapable. It saddens me that you would TRY purposely to incite an arguement. Bless you as you grow...and be grateful...you apparently have not seen an INFJ lose their well controlled temper. :-P Have a nice day.
INFJs are incapable of juggling 17 ideas simultaneously and see how they are interrelated. I suspect that they are able to pull a kitten out of a hat though. :m1:
I'll concede that is an ability we lack, as Ne is a shadow function for us. However, our dominant Ni lets us intuit things in seconds that would take others days to figure out, sorta like Sherlock Holmes (an INTJ), easily one of the best examples of Ni at work. Our insight is primarily about abstract ideas (Ti) than concrete facts (Te) like Sherlock though. I must admit that I am sometimes jealous of the INTP ability to trace back where their ideas come from, though.
We do? I have grown quite fond of them. INTP's have many good qualities. They're excellent problem solvers and usually smarter than INTJ's. ;P

INTPS are those kids that dump the whole lego box talk for hours about cool ideas and building stuff, than run off cause they got bored. Than the INFJ builds awesome lego stuff by taking the ideas & theories and oh i don't know DOING something with it.

than the INFJ has to clean up all the mess. while the INTP just skips about the rest of the day.

AKA they are the
covert narcs.