Why do INFJs and INTPs hate each other so much?

Hi Scissorhands! Hmmm I don't hate NTs. I like them. I like spending time with them. I do hate some NTs but only when this rebellious part of their personalities neglect the greater whole of society. I don't hate it because they hurt others. I hate it because in the process they are mostly building up their walls and they think they're protecting themselves and/or others but I only see it as a defense mechanism and an unwillingness to be vulnerable. I think deep down they understand the loss in this and in their quiet, they feel the pain and isolation. I hate that. I want them to stop it and I want to remind them it isn't so but I can't exactly be sure that's true except I know that I want to be there for some of them. When they annoy me however, I just let them be. Such fools. Lol

Taking down a computer science degree left me with many INTJ and INTP friends.
i even know an INTJ who is struggling to open up and hates himself for the inability to do so
i've seen him push tears into his eyes in order for the argument to stop without even taking any other part in it other than listening
and even his wife that adores him hates that nature and all three of us get to discuss it with a glass of wine at times of peace

It's not about hating them.. but about a war within us all that we are trying to help them fight it.
Those INTxs that decide to not fight their fight, turn around and pose a threat to us because as they hide in the shadows for their protection, a shadow is what we get to face.
shadows hide stuff like swords, knives, arrows that come flying in when you least expect them to.
And, oh yeah! monsters too!
Nobody knows what's behind a mask when all they see is the mask! (but that's for the other thread)

Concerning their apathy.. at least some are willing to look into it as a fault because most see the fault only in you for seeing it!
I've learned that when people are silent it's not always about not having something to say but sometimes, about not having something GOOD to say and they bite their tongue!

I will share an example (real one)

You've lost contact with someone due to loosing yourself completely, and that someone commits suicide
your INTJ friend tells you that he knew your mutual friend was under anti-depressants and alcohol and under lots of stress but found no reason, purpose, or maybe time, to ring you up and share it with you.
Even if you are the common denominator of that relationship.

just one example of the impact a non-action can have.

I can't "hate" them and their actions, as i can clearly see how their apparent mistakes were destined to happen for others to unfold.
I can't hate their mistakes more than i hate my own but they're all within a plan of us having to make them.
(not proof checking this text so i don't add more)
Taking down a computer science degree left me with many INTJ and INTP friends.
i even know an INTJ who is struggling to open up and hates himself for the inability to do so
i've seen him push tears into his eyes in order for the argument to stop without even taking any other part in it other than listening
and even his wife that adores him hates that nature and all three of us get to discuss it with a glass of wine at times of peace

It's not about hating them.. but about a war within us all that we are trying to help them fight it.
Those INTxs that decide to not fight their fight, turn around and pose a threat to us because as they hide in the shadows for their protection, a shadow is what we get to face.
shadows hide stuff like swords, knives, arrows that come flying in when you least expect them to.
And, oh yeah! monsters too!
Nobody knows what's behind a mask when all they see is the mask! (but that's for the other thread)

Concerning their apathy.. at least some are willing to look into it as a fault because most see the fault only in you for seeing it!
I've learned that when people are silent it's not always about not having something to say but sometimes, about not having something GOOD to say and they bite their tongue!

I will share an example (real one)

You've lost contact with someone due to loosing yourself completely, and that someone commits suicide
your INTJ friend tells you that he knew your mutual friend was under anti-depressants and alcohol and under lots of stress but found no reason, purpose, or maybe time, to ring you up and share it with you.
Even if you are the common denominator of that relationship.

just one example of the impact a non-action can have.

I can't "hate" them and their actions, as i can clearly see how their apparent mistakes were destined to happen for others to unfold.
I can't hate their mistakes more than i hate my own but they're all within a plan of us having to make them.
(not proof checking this text so i don't add more)

I don't hate hate NTs too. When I'm with them, I am more extended and kept in check. Sometimes ruling with my NF can be a bit illogical so NTs keep me checked and I like it. When I'm down however, I feel more at ease and secure in the company of NFs :)
When I'm down however, I feel more at ease and secure in the company of NFs :)
when i'm down, i keep them the F away for their own protection and the reflecting impact cutting through them brings to me.
but they never stay away as it seems it's their destiny to annoy me! (by shooting at my heart wherever they see it vulnerable!)

My new friend @ClevelandINTP looks like way different than those i've met.
Not only we must remember to not label because allies might exist on the other side of ground zero
but i'd think twice before messing with his/hers intellect and sword!

but anyhow... let's stay on the war talk.
and let's check our clothes for it now.
Though i have a more specific video called "unearthed", it's lengthy and some things need the right preface to .. surface..
Socrates never taught in statements but "nurtured" the answers from within the other party using questions.
his method was called "nursing" as it resembled a birth from the other side and he the nurse.

Please forgive me for not knowing where to start/where to post the work i do since it goes under many categories.
All i can tell is that this is a forum i won't have to be scared of pointless arguments and fights to what's considered true today.
and this is good enough for me to trust again, because i've been trusting the wrong forums for quite some time.

When something is both personal and general, something of an "art" yet, it relates to personal pain/experience and the fruits it produced,
where do you start, where do you post?
which year, which subject, when it's all you do?
when it speaks of philosophy religion and mythology combined and they all happened because you're an INFParanoid, a complete retard to survive this world.
how do you preface it?
I showed you the venue, can you show me the right thread for that? :wink:

There are instructions i must give too for how to follow the "train of thought" or the "train of time"
but i've figured long time ago that this shortie is the best intro.
Pardon the typing... i'm merely a video editor gone.. bad :-)

playlist 2016 could be called "the message"
playlist 2018 could be called "the messenger of"
playlist 2019 cannot be called anything!

this is the 4th video of 2018 and the first three explain the whole story in a lyrical, action packed way for those who have the hands to hold
If one can't hold, he can't hold on to the end of that ride.
And then, it was march 2018.
but it's no longer that...
Taking down a computer science degree left me with many INTJ and INTP friends.
i even know an INTJ who is struggling to open up and hates himself for the inability to do so
i've seen him push tears into his eyes in order for the argument to stop without even taking any other part in it other than listening
and even his wife that adores him hates that nature and all three of us get to discuss it with a glass of wine at times of peace

It's not about hating them.. but about a war within us all that we are trying to help them fight it.
Those INTxs that decide to not fight their fight, turn around and pose a threat to us because as they hide in the shadows for their protection, a shadow is what we get to face.
shadows hide stuff like swords, knives, arrows that come flying in when you least expect them to.
And, oh yeah! monsters too!
Nobody knows what's behind a mask when all they see is the mask! (but that's for the other thread)

Concerning their apathy.. at least some are willing to look into it as a fault because most see the fault only in you for seeing it!
I've learned that when people are silent it's not always about not having something to say but sometimes, about not having something GOOD to say and they bite their tongue!

I will share an example (real one)

You've lost contact with someone due to loosing yourself completely, and that someone commits suicide
your INTJ friend tells you that he knew your mutual friend was under anti-depressants and alcohol and under lots of stress but found no reason, purpose, or maybe time, to ring you up and share it with you.
Even if you are the common denominator of that relationship.

just one example of the impact a non-action can have.

I can't "hate" them and their actions, as i can clearly see how their apparent mistakes were destined to happen for others to unfold.
I can't hate their mistakes more than i hate my own but they're all within a plan of us having to make them.
(not proof checking this text so i don't add more)

I actually don't mind showing emotion and feeling with people I trust. My emotions when triggered are like giant avalanches. I tend to wear them more on my sleeve (type 4 enneagram)

Also, I manage emotions very differently. I don't think people get that we can just deal with them internally. Like they think it has to be painful for us or something because it would be if it were them. That's not the case though
when i'm down, i keep them the F away for their own protection and the reflecting impact cutting through them brings to me.
but they never stay away as it seems it's their destiny to annoy me! (by shooting at my heart wherever they see it vulnerable!)

My new friend @ClevelandINTP looks like way different than those i've met.
Not only we must remember to not label because allies might exist on the other side of ground zero
but i'd think twice before messing with his/hers intellect and sword!

but anyhow... let's stay on the war talk.
and let's check our clothes for it now.
Though i have a more specific video called "unearthed", it's lengthy and some things need the right preface to .. surface..
Socrates never taught in statements but "nurtured" the answers from within the other party using questions.
his method was called "nursing" as it resembled a birth from the other side and he the nurse.

Please forgive me for not knowing where to start/where to post the work i do since it goes under many categories.
All i can tell is that this is a forum i won't have to be scared of pointless arguments and fights to what's considered true today.
and this is good enough for me to trust again, because i've been trusting the wrong forums for quite some time.

When something is both personal and general, something of an "art" yet, it relates to personal pain/experience and the fruits it produced,
where do you start, where do you post?
which year, which subject, when it's all you do?
when it speaks of philosophy religion and mythology combined and they all happened because you're an INFParanoid, a complete retard to survive this world.
how do you preface it?
I showed you the venue, can you show me the right thread for that? :wink:

There are instructions i must give too for how to follow the "train of thought" or the "train of time"
but i've figured long time ago that this shortie is the best intro.
Pardon the typing... i'm merely a video editor gone.. bad :)

playlist 2016 could be called "the message"
playlist 2018 could be called "the messenger of"
playlist 2019 cannot be called anything!

this is the 4th video of 2018 and the first three explain the whole story in a lyrical, action packed way for those who have the hands to hold
If one can't hold, he can't hold on to the end of that ride.
And then, it was march 2018.
but it's no longer that...

Hehe don't worry about it. @ClevelandINTP is fine. You should meet Pin! (I won't conjure him though). For some of us, it's fun to banter. Always let us know when you feel uncomfortable or anything. A lot of people here are good natured and protective. :)
I actually don't mind showing emotion and feeling with people I trust. My emotions when triggered are like giant avalanches. I tend to wear them more on my sleeve (type 4 enneagram)
Ahhh so you're a type 4. Lol. That explains why you're a bit like my best friend except she's INTJ
Ahhh so you're a type 4. Lol. That explains why you're a bit like my best friend except she's INTJ

I don't know what type I really am. Of the more "feely" enneagrams, I score highest on 4. I score highest on 7 and 8 I think. I don't remember

I was pretty high on 3 at one point and maybe 2 and 9
I don't know what type I really am. Of the more "feely" enneagrams, I score highest on 4. I score highest on 7 and 8 I think. I don't remember

I was pretty high on 3 at one point and maybe 2 and 9
Lol you're dark.
Every INTP I have ever known had that 'I watch creepy hentai but you can't prove it' kind of vibe.

Also, they're jerkface knowitalls.

And they smell.

And I'm totally being not serious right now.
Uhm, I am sure if I have met one already, but INTPs are often pessimistic a bit... or maybe dark.

Fair observation, but I’ll add my two cents for some understanding...

INTPs are critical thinkers. Common methods for those thoughts are “ruling things out” or “confirming what is not true” to form ideas of what is possibly true. INTPs will spend so much time getting to the bottom of things in their heads. Often the truth is different than we think and or not so rosy. Those epiphanies can create some pessimism. More mature INTPs know that most voids have positive inverses and can be nurtured to a more positive state. When those things don’t work out for whatever reason, it can add to it

Since INTPs are constantly in search of truths, we commonly throw out all rules and question everything. Not conforming to rules or having that attitude can be dark

Because INTPs are willing to break “rules” and experiment with things, they can get into drugs. I think an INTPs drug phase usually has more to do with escapism to explore their minds more and experiment with experiences. Coming out of the phases can be dark

INTPs are super bright and hate bullshit, so it’s possible they don’t fit the system of school and work as well. Which is a shame that arguably the brightest minds are some of the most disenfranchised