Why do INFJs and INTPs hate each other so much?

I did that...yes I went there oops lol

only pointed it out because you said "speaking of" and it was a good opportunity for me to clear the point and state again.
If anything, i am thanking you for the intellectual back and fourth since no conclusion comes without debate!
takes two to tango!

All love bro! (tango is love :p)
just watch!
It's love and certainty that made the above.
those two turn you into a rock!

rocks break stuff ... and i can get careless but even so, only in order to help change perspectives that they themselves fly in for the breaking!
= <3 <3 <3

INFPs are caterpillars and after stepping in my own cocoon years ago i am not that any longer!
you INFJs are our guardians even if harsh to convince to observe!
You wouldn't be descent guardians if you were easily convinced from anything around you
but you will stand by the truth when you clearly see it!
just needs some patience on our side.
This forum is doing great! not like the one that inspired the vid above!
i applaud you all for not hurting messengers because you didn't like their message.
happened many times before as you'll see..

Archimedes final words to the Roman soldier who stepped on his drawings and asked for his citizen papers:
"Don't harass my circles!"
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just an example so INTPs and INTJs here can see where i see their fault.
other than that... great dudes!
This part of the story is not clear to me:
Was INTJ or INFP the dog's owner?

Ok [GEEK ALERT], speaking of directors and INTPs, I gotta commend those smarties for being ahead of the game in cinematic arts(and yeah I'm talking about God I mean Christopher Nolan[in whom I trust])

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Memento and The Prestige. :hearteyes:
I reckon (at the risk of carpet bombing this thread and getting banned :p)
that concerning the known war between our minds and hearts (understanding that can show us why INTP/Js and INFP/Js are at war) this "quote" should be thrown here.

Although the quote below could also fit in a philosophical AND a Theological thread since it's a famous atheist writing it and a well known philosopher
and it's one of his quotes that i, a man who has concluded in his mind and heart that God is real, finds it as one of the most important quotes written!
if you can even read the above statement (my apologies if not for not breaking it down in two)
you'll see there's a contradiction that deserves discussion which is not for here.

But dear INFJs, this is one of my favorite "reads" (hard to call it a mere "quote")
and i heard the whole thing ON THE RADIO (!?) while driving between cities in 2016! (not a city radio ;-)
took me some time to find it and i believe every soul must read and grasp!

Friedrich Nietzsche
What Germans Lack (link)
page 6 on,

I put forward at once--lest I break with my style, which is affirmative and deals with contradiction and criticism only as a means, only involuntarily--the three tasks for which educators are required.
One must learn to see, one must learn to think, one must learn to speak and write: the goal in all three is a noble culture.

Learning to see
--accustoming the eye to calmness, to patience, to letting things come up to it; postponing judgment, learning to go around and grasp each individual case from all sides.
That is the first preliminary schooling for spirituality: not to react at once to a stimulus, but to gain control of all the , inhibiting, excluding instincts.
Learning to see, as I understand it, is almost what, unphilosophically speaking, is called a strong will: the essential feature is precisely not to "will"--to be able to suspend decision.
All unspirituality, all vulgar commonness, depend on the inability to resist a stimulus: one must react, one follows every impulse.
In many cases, such a compulsion is already pathology, decline, a symptom of exhaustion--almost everything that unphilosophical crudity designates with the word "vice" is merely this physiological inability not to react.

A practical application of having learned to see: as a learner, one will have become altogether slow, mistrustful, recalcitrant.
One will let strange, new things of every kind come up to oneself, inspecting them with hostile calm and withdrawing one's hand.
To have all doors standing open, to lie servilely on one's stomach before every little fact, always to be prepared for the leap of putting oneself into the place of, or of plunging into, others and other things--
in short, the famous modern "objectivity"--is bad taste, is ignoble par excellence. (!)

Learning to think: in our schools one no longer has any idea of this.
Even in the universities, even among the real scholars of philosophy, logic as a theory, as a practice, as a craft, is beginning to die out.
One need only read German books: there is no longer the remotest recollection that thinking requires a technique, a teaching curriculum, a will to mastery--that thinking wants to be learned like dancing, as a kind of dancing.
Who among Germans still knows from experience the delicate shudder which light feet in spiritual matters send into every muscle?
The stiff clumsiness of the spiritual gesture, the bungling hand at grasping--that is German to such a degree that abroad one mistakes it for the German character as such.
The German has no fingers for nuances.
That the Germans have been able to stand their philosophers at all, especially that most deformed concept-cripple of all time, the great Kant, provides not a bad notion of German grace.
For one cannot subtract dancing in every form from a noble education--to be able to dance with one's feet, with concepts, with words: need I still add that one must be able to dance with the pen too--that one must learn to write?
But at this point I should become completely enigmatic for German readers. (!²)
Was INTJ or INFP the dog's owner?
referring to the dog in the discussion with my INTJ friend or the dog in the video?
I bet it's the first since no INTJ ever makes videos of his parting dog ;-)
So, the answer is :
It's complicated. We were working together to a place where they couldn't care less for dogs so an INFP with the help of his INTJ friend were taking care of them.
Stray dogs collected time ago by those who never care for them there and now they're old.
they're employees and so were we.
nobody cares for the old employees there, nor for the young the road brings (dogs too)

INFP quit the business and INTJ keeps working there so the INFP assumes he continues the work needed done!
but INFP pays visits every other month... (at night, when no one is there!) and the "everything is ok" turns out not so true!

apathy kills!
and in the case for dogs, it can be excused.
Concerning humans though, the hatchet is unearthed and i don't care how much you love them! :fuming:
("you" meaning "anyone" my dear)
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Yes I meant the dog in the discussion. Thank you for explaining. It is indeed a complicated situation. Normally I'd say, the owner of the dog is responsible. I'm glad INFP took the dog to the vet in the end.

Also, you're not going to get banned for quoting Nietzsche lol.
Also, you're not going to get banned for quoting Nietzsche lol.

Bless you forum!
Because i've been banned before when posted this very quote and only did so to bypass the instinctual responses that i was forced to respond to! (they call insults "arguments"... pfff)
Those forums were all instinct as i considered dirt bike riders to be "family" to some views and/or secrets.
So, my bad there!

These knives i hold work better on video editing programs than text editors,
the post before the story is more important and a different one whatsoever!

Spent all day here today, i miss my dogs already!
omw to them!
Thank you for the superb company !!! :kissingheart::kissingheart::kissingheart:

Why do INFJs and INTPs hate each other so much?

This is a serious question.
Please help me understand this hateful annoying dynamic.
Not sure if it's necessarily hate but I recently met an INTP really sweet at the beginning but I sensed something was off....it seemed to me INTP's have a hard time showing themselves how they truly are and as an INFJ that won't work for too long, lol. And then the INTP will hide thinking we don't like them or accept them when it's very simple speak up, be you, show your true colors instead or trying to rosy things up. It seems to me it's always easier to run away into the woods before owning your self and just being you...I met this guy and liked him but the fact he doesn't want/ claims he hasn't have the time to think about things turns my interest off. Comes off as too egoistical even though they might not even thought about it , lol.

Why do INFJs and INTPs hate each other so much?

This is a serious question.
Please help me understand this hateful annoying dynamic.
the fact he doesn't want/ claims he hasn't have the time to think about things turns my interest off.
well said @Paulita7
welcome to the forum :)
They're routed that way and i hope we're still allowed a view on who we choose to be around with!
But if not, so be it, right?

I don't think I usually write word salad to be honest but I'll take it under advisement
what's a word salad?
would it be something contributing to the question and easy to digest?
if not, good for you and us you're not writing one:kissingheart:

Why do INFJs and INTPs hate each other so much?

This is a serious question.
Please help me understand this hateful annoying dynamic.

At least the NF side is trying!

And case in point to my post about INTPs and INFJs and why they can't discuss things....
Its simple ...we INFJ's are straight forward individuals and INFP's will run from that like " the pest" but we truly don't mean harm...I am very direct with the idea to find solution but if I find you beating around the bush...you better run this time lol! I get impatient, it's a waste of my time .
Not sure if it's necessarily hate but I recently met an INTP really sweet at the beginning but I sensed something was off....it seemed to me INTP's have a hard time showing themselves how they truly are and as an INFJ that won't work for too long, lol. And then the INTP will hide thinking we don't like them or accept them when it's very simple speak up, be you, show your true colors instead or trying to rosy things up. It seems to me it's always easier to run away into the woods before owning your self and just being you...I met this guy and liked him but the fact he doesn't want/ claims he hasn't have the time to think about things turns my interest off. Comes off as too egoistical even though they might not even thought about it , lol.
INFP's will run from that like " the pest"
you must mean INTP there :)

but if I find you beating around the bush...you better run this time lol! I get impatient, it's a waste of my time .
i too am guilty of the latter.
and we do truly apologize for it!
But if INTP/Js feel like really diving into any issue we'll always share our time, but when they switch back to "umm i am not so sure about that" yet not pointing out why but run away,
then we'll feel bad for wasting our time again!

and thank you @Paulita7 for summing it up so well!
The INFP can't keep up a decent defense to this problem.
we always believe we can fix them while (i think) you INFJs have a better "defense mechanism" to cope with them (easier for you to walk away from danger than us)
you must mean INTP there :)

@Scissorhands being an INFaj ain't easy either but I do things clearly and from far...my main issue is to try to use the proper words so nobody gets hurt on the way to explain.... Patience is not one of my virtues...lol. but I mean well
i too am guilty of the latter.
and we do truly apologize for it!
But if INTP/Js feel like really diving into any issue we'll always share our time, but when they switch back to "umm i am not so sure about that" yet not pointing out why but run away,
then we'll feel bad for wasting our time again!

and thank you @Paulita7 for summing it up so well!
The INFP can't keep up a decent defense to this problem.
we always believe we can fix them while (i think) you INFJs have a better "defense mechanism" to cope with them (easier for you to walk away from danger than us)
Did I post in this thread already? Can't find it; no time to wade. I was married to an INTP (22-year relationship) and in retrospect I think MBTI had a part in how badly that relationship devolved.

It was magic for the first few years. Absolutely ecstatic starlight fireworks soul-fathoming skyrise unicorn magic.

Ultimately, his TP meant he was more interested in going in circles down the drain with his own self-centered naval-gazing and wishes than investing in the relationship as a partner and participating in moving it forward. He decided he was done and he left. I am lucky he did because I was committed to trying to fix it.

Pretty sure his current partner is an INTJ.

Mastermind, sociopath, narcissist. Perhaps not all INTPs are that way, but I think the foundation is there.

I was so emotionally traumatized that I doubt I will ever let myself pair up with a T again. I have an INTJ friend who is awesome and relatively emotionally mature, especially for a T, but I cannot stomach the idea of being with anyone but an NF ever again. My F was so neglected for those 22 years, and the T-F conflict was a huge issue in our relationship (so was the P-J conflict, but that one was invisible compared to the T-F, which was big and nasty and awful.)