Why do INFJs and INTPs hate each other so much?

That's it, I'm banning you!

i wish i could laugh when it did happen but thank you for the healing of that memory @Lady Jolanda
yet, if anyone doubts it, i can share a link of where it happened!

worry not!
we're here!

my main beef is with INTJs btw so all you need to do is what u do you best!
"be smart!"
When i see an INTP caring for someone other than themselves though,
it really means the world!
I could role play the exercise of your self-improvement if you're willing to make some progress..
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Did I post in this thread already? Can't find it; no time to wade. I was married to an INTP (22-year relationship) and in retrospect I think MBTI had a part in how badly that relationship devolved.

It was magic for the first few years. Absolutely ecstatic starlight fireworks soul-fathoming skyrise unicorn magic.

Ultimately, his TP meant he was more interested in going in circles down the drain with his own self-centered naval-gazing and wishes than investing in the relationship as a partner and participating in moving it forward. He decided he was done and he left. I am lucky he did because I was committed to trying to fix it.

Pretty sure his current partner is an INTJ.

Mastermind, sociopath, narcissist. Perhaps not all INTPs are that way, but I think the foundation is there.

I was so emotionally traumatized that I doubt I will ever let myself pair up with a T again. I have an INTJ friend who is awesome and relatively emotionally mature, especially for a T, but I cannot stomach the idea of being with anyone but an NF ever again. My F was so neglected for those 22 years, and the T-F conflict was a huge issue in our relationship (so was the P-J conflict, but that one was invisible compared to the T-F, which was big and nasty and awful.)
Its crazy how the decisions are so made on a one-sided basis. No agreement no conversations but instead a complete decision based on one person only.

i wish i could laugh when it did happen but thank you for the healing of that memory @Lady Jolanda
yet, if anyone doubts it, i can share a link of where it happened!

worry not!
we're here!

my main beef is with INTJs btw so all you need to do is what u do you best!
"be smart!"
When i see an INTP caring for someone other than themselves though,
it really means the world!
I could role play the exercise of your self-improvement if you're willing to make some progress..
Speaking of progress- you might want to try to make progress at cutting out that smug condescending attitude you have there.
Did I post in this thread already? Can't find it; no time to wade. I was married to an INTP (22-year relationship) and in retrospect I think MBTI had a part in how badly that relationship devolved.

It was magic for the first few years. Absolutely ecstatic starlight fireworks soul-fathoming skyrise unicorn magic.

Ultimately, his TP meant he was more interested in going in circles down the drain with his own self-centered naval-gazing and wishes than investing in the relationship as a partner and participating in moving it forward. He decided he was done and he left. I am lucky he did because I was committed to trying to fix it.

Pretty sure his current partner is an INTJ.

Mastermind, sociopath, narcissist. Perhaps not all INTPs are that way, but I think the foundation is there.

I was so emotionally traumatized that I doubt I will ever let myself pair up with a T again. I have an INTJ friend who is awesome and relatively emotionally mature, especially for a T, but I cannot stomach the idea of being with anyone but an NF ever again. My F was so neglected for those 22 years, and the T-F conflict was a huge issue in our relationship (so was the P-J conflict, but that one was invisible compared to the T-F, which was big and nasty and awful.)
Intp's always go in circles and when someone points something out...they will do it even more so they are not confronted to the reality.....be smart kids be smart! Stay away!
Speaking of progress- you might want to try to make progress at cutting out that smug condescending attitude you have there.
not in my hands!
I'm on your side on this one.
Can't wait to see it change!

It depends on what u throw in.
humor was nice, see?
warmed our hearts!
It gets better i promise
but it can get muuch worse!
Don't ask me to control the current when you're the one holding the switch.
AC current ain't for kids!

let's play the first exercise. shall we?
did you read @worthy's response?
If i begin to enumerate its qualities, this post would get huge.
The exercise is : "I know you don't like it but why didn't you like it?"

Didn't it offer points from personal and emotional experience with clarity and easy to understand?
ain't it a contribution that makes the points clear in a completely different manner than the way i speak
which you pretend to hate?
How much does one like cost?
And how much does it offer to the one receiving it for such a cost?
do i need to write more?
U into progress or is progress "to tell you only what you want to hear"?

I haven't seen a Star War.
I was forced to watch the first (1980s) and hated it even as a kid!
pew pewww!!
"knock'emout the box Luke!"
not in my hands!
I'm on your side on this one.
Can't wait to see it change!

It depends on what u throw in.
humor was nice, see?
warmed our hearts!
It gets better i promise
but it can get muuch worse!
Don't ask me to control the current when you're the one holding the switch.
AC current ain't for kids!

let's play the first exercise. shall we?
did you read @worthy's response?
If i begin to enumerate its qualities, this post would get huge.
The exercise is : "I know you don't like it but why didn't you like it?"

Didn't it offer points from personal and emotional experience with clarity and easy to understand?
ain't it a contribution that makes the points clear in a completely different manner than the way i speak
which you pretend to hate?
How much does one like cost?
And how much does it offer to the one receiving it for such a cost?
do i need to write more?
U into progress or is progress "to tell you only what you want to hear"?

I was forced to watch the first (1980s) and hated it even as a kid!
pew pewww!!
"knock'emout the box Luke!"

Scissorhands is what happens when eventhorizon takes mdma

i wish i could laugh when it did happen but thank you for the healing of that memory @Lady Jolanda
yet, if anyone doubts it, i can share a link of where it happened!

worry not!
we're here!

my main beef is with INTJs btw so all you need to do is what u do you best!
"be smart!"
When i see an INTP caring for someone other than themselves though,
it really means the world!
I could role play the exercise of your self-improvement if you're willing to make some progress..

I can relate to this. We INTPs are not perfect. From personal experience, the worst individual people I’ve met and worked with were INTJs. They get these visions in their head, and whether they’re right or not and in the face of other evidence, will do anything to make those a reality. I’ve seen lives ruined because of their ignorance, lack of compassion and remorse, and sense of needing authority and agency

It’s a type that thinks they are the master type. It’s like they think they are god or something

Saw Batman Begins this weekend, and I’m fairly certain Ra’s Al Ghul is an INxJ type

With that said, my dad is an INTJ, and he’s like the most look-up-to-able person ever
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INxPs make INTJs feel insecure, frankly. I’ve seen it happen so many times

If it makes you feel better, I know an INFP who got dumped by an INTJ because they needed to be the smarter one in the relationship and literally said that

Real talk
My INTP buddy find you guys annoying that's true. He said something about the holes in most of your arguments. I view them as fragmented formations and get it. INTP's do this thing where they out think everyone and it makes them angry/frustrated when you haven't gone to them same places as them mentally. When dealing with an INTP the best tool you have is to listen and dialogue with them. Never create friction or they'll will blast you with 0-10 emotional bursts.
My INTP buddy find you guys annoying that's true. He said something about the holes in most of your arguments. I view them as fragmented formations and get it. INTP's do this thing where they out think everyone and it makes them angry/frustrated when you haven't gone to them same places as them mentally. When dealing with an INTP the best tool you have is to listen and dialogue with them. Never create friction or they'll will blast you with 0-10 emotional bursts.

No one cares about fragmented pieces of a puzzle that are ultimately being put together in a way that reveals truth

When it’s a piece of bullshit, it’s bullshit, and that’s what an INTP will be passion about