Why do INFJs and INTPs hate each other so much?

Fair observation, but I’ll add my two cents for some understanding...

INTPs are critical thinkers. Common methods for those thoughts are “ruling things out” or “confirming what is not true” to form ideas of what is possibly true. INTPs will spend so much time getting to the bottom of things in their heads. Often the truth is different than we think and or not so rosy. Those epiphanies can create some pessimism. More mature INTPs know that most voids have positive inverses and can be nurtured to a more positive state. When those things don’t work out for whatever reason, it can add to it

Since INTPs are constantly in search of truths, we commonly throw out all rules and question everything. Not conforming to rules or having that attitude can be dark

Because INTPs are willing to break “rules” and experiment with things, they can get into drugs. I think an INTPs drug phase usually has more to do with escapism to explore their minds more and experiment with experiences. Coming out of the phases can be dark

INTPs are super bright and hate bullshit, so it’s possible they don’t fit the system of school and work as well. Which is a shame that arguably the brightest minds are some of the most disenfranchised
Im afraid of that negative site from INTP. They can be interesting if they are still under controls. Out of that, this trait can be a real nightmare.
MBTI which is a system commonly used for understanding ourselves and others and a big point of this forum was very likely created by an INTP
I feel we’re much more optimistic and hopeful than people think

For one, we’re not judgers which actually is much more optimistic because we’re not latched onto a possibly perceived negative perspective

I’d ask you how well you would handle having your beliefs and ideas constantly being questioned because they’re different

We are probably one of the most understanding types considering all we do is try to understand

... and we’re constantly judged for doing so
I feel we’re much more optimistic and hopeful than people think

For one, we’re not judgers which actually is much more optimistic because we’re not latched onto a possibly perceived negative perspective

I’d ask you how well you would handle having your beliefs and ideas constantly being questioned because they’re different

We are probably one of the most understanding types considering all we do is try to understand

... and we’re constantly judged for doing so
You are kind and optimistic person. I know it. :blush:
Last bit, the same process that creates pessimism is what really differentiates the INTP in a positive way from other types

Most types when looking for an answer or solution will come up with one that works and that they like and will move on

That will not be enough for an INTP

We will spend hours, days or years further refining ideas. I can’t tell you how many times I have “found” something as a result of staying with it and going off track to something tangentially related. And then we look to master it

Most types view that as wasteful or difficult, but that void is where the INTPs genius lies
Every INTP I have ever known had that 'I watch creepy hentai but you can't prove it' kind of vibe.

Also, they're jerkface knowitalls.

And they smell.

And I'm totally being not serious right now.

INTPs have created and brought to society some of the biggest and most important truths that underpin our very reality
INTPs write hentai, and that's our real contribution to the world. #heroism
Wat??? Is this thread a troll? I'm an INFJ, and I actually love(and I mean) Love INTPs! Are u kidding me?

You don't love them enough yet to hate them. Keep going.

It's the golden pair because at its core is a highly energetic love/hate fusion bomb of unstoppable power.
My argument against INTPs can be summed up with lyrics as well.

"There;s a war going on between my head and my heart
INTPs, i wonder HOW they grew
so far apart!"

I don't hate'em
we're just different
and hence i only get mad at them when they're guilty of

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INFP returning to the work he quit during the night so he can check out the dogs he's left behind when he did..
Next day he calls the INTJ : "Man, the white doggie has a problem. her tummy is big and she was crying to me as i've saved her in the past and she recalls.
INTJ : Ok, i will take her to the vet
(one week later)
INFP : Did you take her to the vet?
INTJ : Oh, sht! i forgot!
INFP : did you take her now?
INTJ : i was too busy!
INFP acts like a phone bomb and INTJ gets serious!
phone bomb = shouting over the phone the following words of responsibility:
"If i knew you'd take two weeks
i would not rely to you to do it but would have picked her up myself!
I just thought you'd see how serious this is on your own but i'm beginning to change my mind on whether i did right!"
(talking all friendly too, saying, "come on buddy, get serious.. let's save her, i am counting on you to take her to HER vet not someone new"!)

next day INTJ calls : "The dog is not moving and i took her home"
what about the vet?
INTJ : I will take her in the morning.
(INTJ comes over for a beer leaving the dog alone in the safety of his house)
(like she was in any other danger than the INTJ)

INFP tells him that in cases like these we MONITOR the dog, we don't go out for a beer!
INTJ : she is not alone, there are my two dogs there.
INFP : so how will we know which poo is hers? will the other dogs tell you?
What if she vomits and they eat it?
INTJ : i....

INFP gets up, rushes to INTJ house with him, picks up the dog and rushes her to the ER at 23:00
spends 1.000 euros on her for removing her insanely big spleen and on the two nights she lasted after that. the final cost was 1.3k euros but i never paid the 300 back to the INTJ who was forced to "lend me" when i run out.
Diagnosis was leuchemia. She could live longer if we knew before the collapse.

I will never forget the look on her face telling me : "i know you'll save me" and the disappointment that this brought to my heart (apparently, i'm the INFP)
That look will never leave my heart, thanks INTJ !

just an example so INTPs and INTJs here can see where i see their fault.
other than that... great dudes!
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I skipped around. I couldn't take all the madness all the way through, ok.
i understand!

please consider it something of a movie.
you can't skip to the end.
Even if the director is an idiot, we must understand what he's trying to say!
you all watch Tarantino right?
then you have no excuse :p

The thoughts of the INFP come in circles.
To see the end of the circle (conclusion) you need to know where it begins
point to point like step by step.

Thank you for your honesty brother!
it means the world for INFPs because we swim in truth and live for transparency!
Ok [GEEK ALERT], speaking of directors and INTPs, I gotta commend those smarties for being ahead of the game in cinematic arts(and yeah I'm talking about God I mean Christopher Nolan[in whom I trust])

i'd say "[blasphemy alert]" since this statement ranks off charts!
Maybe that's why his movies are so shallow concerning anything divine but mind games.
So he too can claim "a god of something" as the trend goes today!
His best attempt for describing the divine is "Interstellar" in which, the universe is self aware.

My belief is that a creation is not to be deified, because it has a creator!
like not saying " Grats to the Porsche for being a Porsche!" and all
Guernicas don't paint themselves!

Scissorhands apologizes for the reflex action!
To his defense, typing with knives ain't the easiest of tasks!

speaking of directors and INTPs
Nobody did that :p
the director is an inFp !
the SUBJECT is INTPs :p
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