Why it sucks to be an INFJ | Page 11 | INFJ Forum

Why it sucks to be an INFJ

She made it clear that she trusts statistics on another thread.
You basically just told the world there is no such thing as an INFJ in any of the sciences, medicine, religion, education, or law.. in essence. They all utilize statistics. How small minded of an 'INFJ'.. are you?
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She made it clear that she trusts statistics on another thread.
Therefore Te...

I am under the impression that you're under the impression that statistical data is unreliable. Actually I don't think you think that. I think that when people say "don't trust statistics", you took their word without realizing that it's people who mislead using statistical data, not the data itself being incorrect.
What are you banging on about? How does not valuing Te prevent you from doing those things?
Are you daft? Because every one of those fields utilize Te and statistics ( not that the two are at all synonymous ) - nonetheless if you read my post^ you would see I already answered this.

Also don't go around crying to the mods you insult that people are stalking you and that members here are abusive when you go all over your profile calling us all a bunch of ENFJ's in one big 'circle jerk'.

You're psychologically unbalanced, clearly.
I constantly have an different way of thinking which is Te polr. I don't set out to be like this but it just happens. I try to Te but I always end up not taking it into account.
So your 'proof' is your opinion?

It's OK to be that way, but I don't think it means that people who are able to use 'Te' effectively (or any function) are automatically 'not-INFJ'.

In any case, you sound very young to me, in the 15-22 range, and though you might have made a poor first impression, I'm going to take that into account for giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Please reflect on what we've said for how you're coming across, but other than that, it's no hard feelings from me and I wish you well.
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Are you daft? Because every one of those fields utilize Te and statistics ( not that the two are at all synonymous ) - nonetheless if you read my post^ you would see I already answered this.
Find another hobby. Stop being bitter cause I rightfully implied you're mistyped.

You're psychologically unbalanced, clearly.
Yeah, you're definitely projecting big time here.
So your 'proof' is your opinion?

It's OK to be that way, but I don't think it means that people who are able to use 'Te' effectively (or any function) are automatically 'not-INFJ'.

In any case, you sound very young to me, in the 15-22 range, and thought you might have made a poor first impression, I'm going to take that into account for giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Please reflect of what we've said for how you're coming across, but other than that, it's no hard feelings from me and I wish you well.

My proof isn't my opinion. I've literally proven time and time again on this site that i'm anti Te.
I'm not seeing much Fe from you, crescent. Can you explain that?
The MBTI's verdict on Fe isn't correct. Ethics is Fi not Fe. I mean even if it was correct then an INFJ isn't a lead Fe user. They could chose to bypass it whenever is deemed necessary. You'd probably think Bin Laden lacked Fe too but he's an INFJ.
Ah.. time to use the lovely ignore button. I know myself. You don't. You don't know any of the INFJ you called terrible names all over your profile chats.. if you haven't chickened out and deleted all those by now.

Didn't you say it was a boring ENFJ circle jerk here? Why are you still here? You like watching ENFJ's?
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Since I am the one that apparently inflamed this situation by attempting to be welcoming. . an observation if I may...while I am not a psychologist, or an MBTI specialist, I have never encountered an INFJ that is combative over basically nothing. . and again, I apologize if my attempt at welcoming was misconstrued in some way. . I am actually a rather peace loving person that seeks to find an agreeable middle ground. .