I am. I am open-minded and receptive but not towards Te. I don't how many more ways i'm meant to say this before people here get it.Sooooo you're not INFJ?
I am. I am open-minded and receptive but not towards Te. I don't how many more ways i'm meant to say this before people here get it.Sooooo you're not INFJ?
Yes we do. We are members as well and we abide by the rules the same as any other.
Please refer to the Rules of the forum, you'll find the link at the bottom of this page, or use the report function. We would be happy to assist you with any of your complaints there. We also invite you to use the ignore feature as well.
We corrupt mods get a little trigger happy and permaban when we suspect someone of causing disrespect and discord amongst the members. Thank you for adhering to the rules and resoecting other members views.
Of course!YEs ma'am @Lady Jolanda .I apologize. *mutters under my breath* I hope you can see why I get heated. I HATE IT when people talk down to my friends! God it triggers me
I'm being calm, I promise. He really honestly, truly, was just replying to you, as we all do on here, on this very active and vocal site. We develop bonds, and get to know the people. We know that he wasn't singling you out. And you refused to believe us. That's all. If you think that little bit of replying was stalkerish, you have another thing coming when you get 93 notifications from the same person who read a thread you were active in. It happens here. I think if you want to remain here and happy, you may want to accept that you are going to have people contributing and commenting on what you say a LOT more than what just happened. Not all will be negative i you don't accuse them of stalking. I promise! This is an amazing place!I simply told one of the members that was popular apparently to stop bothering me. I may have actually apologized if they didn't all start hounding me about it.
I am. I am open-minded and receptive but not towards Te. I don't how many more ways i'm meant to say this before people here get it.
Perhaps I'm being woefully wrong here, but isn't it a bit contradictory to say you're open minded, but don't listen to people whom you see as having a different perspective on reality to yours?
Of course!
We're all human beings with feelings and hotspots.
I was about to post the same exact thing, glad I saw you did it. I am calm and not trying to be mean now, I hope she truly gets what we are trying to say.Perhaps I'm being woefully wrong here, but isn't it a bit contradictory to say you're open minded, but don't listen to people whom you see as having a different perspective on reality to yours?
I don't need to show up to every fight, however.Ban me if you want. I don't wish to stay in this cesspit. I already said i'm leaving.
I see no credit being given here. It’s even worse than I thought.Yes we do. We are members as well and we abide by the rules the same as any other.
Please refer to the Rules of the forum, you'll find the link at the bottom of this page, or use the report function. We would be happy to assist you with any of your complaints there. We also invite you to use the ignore feature as well.
We corrupt mods get a little trigger happy and permaban when we suspect someone of causing disrespect and discord amongst the members. Thank you for adhering to the rules and resoecting other members views.
There is no reason for that. (if you can see this because I think you said you ignored me because I want your attention, which is bullshit, but okay) We are a mature group, and honestly it wouldn't surprise me at all if you and I and these other very same people had a positive and mature and great discussion about something entirely different in another thread. We don't really hold grudges, is what I am saying. We don't dislike you, we dislike what you did... and I actually I am speaking for myself here but I know others agree.Ban me please or better yet delete my account if you can.
If that's truly what you wish, I will.Ban me please or better yet delete my account if you can.
Yeah, fuck those assholes. Especially the INFPs, am I right?I am. I am open-minded and receptive but not towards Te. I don't how many more ways i'm meant to say this before people here get it.
Mods, I want answers, NOW!'the mods are corrupt, period.
Yeah, fuck those assholes. Especially the INFPs, am I right?