Why it sucks to be an INFJ

It's his second response to me in the space of a few minutes.
If this is accurate measurement of stalking and following people. LOL I am by definition, A STALKER. I would like to formally apologize to the people I have stalked. @Deleted member 16771 @Aneirin @Ren @Wyote @mintoots I mean hey... I could go on. I mean maybe it's time for me to create a stalkers anonymous and admit I have been wrong. I clearly came to this forum with the intent of following these people because I enjoy their posts SO MUCH that I can't stand it I MUST respond!

@crescentmon I am being sarcastic. You can clearly see. Please, get over yourself. :)
So tell us what Fe is and how you're using it.

I'm just curious at this point, not trying to pin you down or anything.

You literally would have Fe if we were basing it on MBTI's verdict. I'm not going to back down because they are using Te and Fi arguments which I don't value. I'm probably not using Fe. It's an auxiliary function not a primary function. I don't want to Fe with people who remain ignorant. Socionics will soon be the big thing and everyone will be correctly typed then. Of course there will be resistance because so many women love clinging onto the IEI label as well as the INFJ label.
What I consider as Fe is knowing what tone to use at any given moment but again you guys are using Te arguments which I don't like. Ethics is Fi not Fe which you've already proven. If you thought you were an INFJ at one point then it probably was because of MBTI's verdict on Fe.
I like how the guy doesn't even care about any of this. Typical ENFJ Fe circle jerk. Socionics rightfully called you guys drama-loving.
You literally would have Fe if we were basing it on MBTI's verdict. I'm not going to back down because they are using Te and Fi arguments which I don't value. I'm probably not using Fe. It's an auxiliary function not a primary function. I don't want to Fe with people who remain ignorant. Socionics will soon be the big thing and everyone will be correctly typed then. Of course there will be resistance because so many women love clinging onto the IEI label as well as the INFJ label.
I just had to like this. WHAT IN THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU WOMAN!? LMAO You are so full of yourself! God damnit get off this site, I don't "value" the way you argue and I don't "value" the way you consider yourself superior to my friends. Get the fuck off here, for real. I'mone of the NICEST people on here and it takes a real true jerk to trigger me. ASK ANYONE on here! LOL I am seriously shaking my head over here. Sorry Hos, I can't be as dignified and nice as you have been lol.

Edited.. MMkay maybe I'm not the nicest, cause obviously. Look what I've done, I edited, I'm ONE of the nicest. Hhehe
Hi crescentmon. I wasn't around earlier. What seems to be the problem?

You wrote you were being harrassed by several members. Can you tell me exactly what happened?
I like how the guy doesn't even care about any of this. Typical ENFJ Fe circle jerk. Socionics rightfully called you guys drama-loving.
More naricissistic self loving word vomit! Why am I not surprised!?
April, friend, how about we get some camomile tea to calm down. I understand your frustration but I don't think it's worth it, if you know what I mean ;)
Hi crescentmon. I wasn't around earlier. What seems to be the problem?

You wrote you were being harrassed by several members. Can you tell me exactly what happened?
Hi crescentmon. I wasn't around earlier. What seems to be the problem?

You wrote you were being harrassed by several members. Can you tell me exactly what happened?
I simply told one of the members that was popular apparently to stop bothering me. I may have actually apologized if they didn't all start hounding me about it.
Yes because they won't leave me alone. If they link Fe to politeness then derailing this harmless thread is defo not polite.

My impression of being Fe is someone who is open minded, compassionate and receptive - wouldn't be a stretch to assume it also means manners. Although I'm not well versed in MBTI cause I dont give much credence to it - I'm still curious what your take on Fe is though
April, friend, how about we get some camomile tea to calm down. I understand your frustration but I don't think it's worth it, if you know what I mean ;)
YEs ma'am @Lady Jolanda . :( I apologize. *mutters under my breath* I hope you can see why I get heated. I HATE IT when people talk down to my friends! God it triggers me.

@crescentmon I am not above apologizing if we can agree that you unfairly dogged and labeled my dearest friends. I know them. I love them. That is all. It's nothing TRULY personal. I'm actually really sorry I called you narcissistic, I don't know you like that. I was just upset. Is this calm? I'm sorry. :( I do tend to embarrass myself...
I don't know how i've demeaned the staff by rightly saying he's corrupt. Normal mods don't act like another member on the site.
Yes we do. We are members as well and we abide by the rules the same as any other.

Please refer to the Rules of the forum, you'll find the link at the bottom of this page, or use the report function. We would be happy to assist you with any of your complaints there. We also invite you to use the ignore feature as well.

We corrupt mods get a little trigger happy and permaban when we suspect someone of causing disrespect and discord amongst the members. Thank you for adhering to the rules and resoecting other members views.