I've read elsewere of INFJs being described as "confidants" and "an inspiration to others"
I agree with this, but it sucks being an INFJ even with this because:
a) People like to take your inspiration privately, but make fun of you for dumb shit publicly. [and then act all receptive and different again in private]
b) People confide in you only because there was no one else around, and you don't have the luxury or incentive to lie - you were the last on the list.(but doesn't say somewhere "the first shall be last, and the last shall be first?" ;P)
c) Nobody cares about you when you are struggling and/or alone. But everyone needs your help, especially just at the time you thought you were fine by yourself.
d) You always got to pay. INFJs can get away with a lot, that is in a social sense or appearance sense. But when it's time to "pay" for something,you are rarely ever off the hook, at least not without some kind of self-omission.