Working Until You Die

I've worked nights at a few jobs over the years and will say that being filled with rage/hate is an understatement between the short staffing and having to pick up slack from day side that fucks all. Management at these businesses and monopoly corporations that pull this crap are often retards at best.
All the ingredients for a great change are present. Always remember that this is your individual experience being leveraged. Your life will pass faster as each year passes. The stuff that pisses you off now will be hard to recall in a few years. Have you considered starting your own business/service? Making your own schedule and removing dipshits from your day to day.
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All the ingredients for a great change are present. Always remember that this is your individual experience being leveraged. Your life will pass faster as each year passes. The stuff that pisses you off now will be hard to recall in a few years. Have you considered starting your own business/service? Making your own schedule and removing dipshits from your day to day.

I am expecting things to go south so to speak sometime next year due to the economy really shitting the bed hence the layoffs that people have been seeing this year thus far. Mom and Pop businesses are going to start being the norm before people really realize it though there is something really funny going to happen as a consequence of that if there gets to be too many of those for the IRS to handle.
When you got a culture that is compatible with only a few percent of the population it will eventually get to where the system will ultimately collapse either through revolution or simple exhaustion.

It's up to every individual whether they want to be a cog in the machine or not.
Most people are willing to take the trade offs of the easier path into the grinding machine.
Which is unfortunate/regrettable.
It's up to every individual whether they want to be a cog in the machine or not.
Most people are willing to take the trade offs of the easier path into the grinding machine.
Which is unfortunate/regrettable.
To be fair, people do like to eat. 🍑

More seriously,

Your point is too little considered...yes, people have agency and autonomy, and are burdened with the need to choose, or perhaps freed by choosing. This is encouraged and discouraged both by all who socialize and engage with us.

Yet, we must never forget those choices are always constrained by the limits of capability, resources, and imposed boundary. No one stands alone—we are social animals, with all that entails.

Awareness of that is also encouraged and discouraged both.

So choose your path, and make your way as best you are able. Just know that it is head and heart fuckery from dawn to dusk on the daily. The gauntlet, we all shall run.

To be fair, people do like to eat. 🍑


I'm not sure what your point is here.
Obviously what I'm saying isn't some kind of grand solution or all encompassing statement.
If I had that then none of us would have any problems at all.
Economics is an entire field and a global problem constantly evolving.
Moreover, the way humans handle economic systems is as flawed as humans themselves.
It's up to every individual whether they want to be a cog in the machine or not.
Most people are willing to take the trade offs of the easier path into the grinding machine.
Which is unfortunate/regrettable.

When life becomes impossible for most demographics ie no longer able to sustain themselves, have families, and social activity collapses an fight or flight response if all else lay flat till the system rots out then implodes. In our case the likely outcome is massive riots once the financial system goes then some sort of civil war as people fight over whatever is left and the dregs of the old system try to consolidate power. On a global scale we'll see the population drop due to supply chain collapse and more pointless wars take their toll. Whenever it is over by mid or late century whoever is left will pick up the pieces and more or less restart civilization though on very different ideological and cultural terms than we're familiar with.