Working Until You Die

Eat the rich.
That or Moringa trees grow faster than you can consume. Planting one or two and super food greens are covered. Couple chickens laying eggs. Water melons were out of control last years. 20 - 25 full size. If apartment living is a restriction. Try mushrooms and micro greens 😀. It is fun to watch things grow. If you have not tried electroculture yet. Stick copper water lines stakes next to you plants. It's pretty amazing. For me hoping things get better is a waste of my time. You have the agency to make your situation better. I hope this finds you doing well Roses.
This Moringa is 1 year of growth. There is a 10' copper water line driven 18" into the ground on the right side of it. This is the effect electro culture has on your plants. Just sharing even though it's in a moppy thread.


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Male genital mutilation, shame-based sexuality, and an empire built on the dissemination of a non-essential nutritive.

What a fucking asshole. 👺

People that work night shift should make premium pay. The effects on the body and mild from having little or no sunlight. They are oxidizing at twice the rate. This brings up a question. What has happened to the Sun? It used to be more warm golden orange. It felt good on your skin. Now its scorching and unbearably white bright.
Obviously they replaced the real sun with a pretend sun while we all slept one night at the same time on the flat earth
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People that work night shift should make premium pay. The effects on the body and mild from having little or no sunlight. They are oxidizing at twice the rate. This brings up a question. What has happened to the Sun? It used to be more warm golden orange. It felt good on your skin. Now its scorching and unbearably white bright.
I've worked nights at a few jobs over the years and will say that being filled with rage/hate is an understatement between the short staffing and having to pick up slack from day side that fucks all. Management at these businesses and monopoly corporations that pull this crap are often retards at best.
I’ve worked night shifts.

Only upside is that it helped a clinician to diagnose my ADHD.

The bonus you get doesn’t offset the costs you incur.

Don’t talk to me about day shift fuckery.

Oh, there was another bonus—I never saw an episode of Friends or Seinfeld.

I've worked nights at a few jobs over the years and will say that being filled with rage/hate is an understatement between the short staffing and having to pick up slack from day side that fucks all. Management at these businesses and monopoly corporations that pull this crap are often retards at best.
Accurate AF.
Also worked third shift for a newspaper printing press in my early 20's. Learned more about people there than about printing. I still wake up some nights in a cold sweat with anxiety from memories of that place that invaded dreams.
The boss was on day side and the day employees were a bunch of princesses and didn't even have much to print, but we had to do all of the clean-up and my colleagues told me once not to clean one of my machines because it gummed up because the day guys never cleaned it, and I got yelled at so hard.

Most of those guys are probably fossils now, but probably still doing the same work in an industry in its death throes.

I wanted to get out of there the moment I got in (and eventually did!) Gave my two weeks notice to my direct boss on night shift because I was going to be moving across country and I needed sleep and wasn't going to deliver it to the day boss. Assumed they communicated. Apparently they didn't. A week-and-a-half later apparently someone told the day boss, and he gave me some big lecture about how disappointed he was and how far they went to make a place for me there. I saw this for the lie it was.

Nobody on nights ever got to days because those guys know how sweet they had it and would never relinquish it.

I have a wealth of respect for anyone willing to take on night shift, because it's awful. But never again, not for me. That toll is arguably still being paid.
Accurate AF.
Also worked third shift for a newspaper printing press in my early 20's. Learned more about people there than about printing. I still wake up some nights in a cold sweat with anxiety from memories of that place that invaded dreams.
The boss was on day side and the day employees were a bunch of princesses and didn't even have much to print, but we had to do all of the clean-up and my colleagues told me once not to clean one of my machines because it gummed up because the day guys never cleaned it, and I got yelled at so hard.

Most of those guys are probably fossils now, but probably still doing the same work in an industry in its death throes.

I wanted to get out of there the moment I got in (and eventually did!) Gave my two weeks notice to my direct boss on night shift because I was going to be moving across country and I needed sleep and wasn't going to deliver it to the day boss. Assumed they communicated. Apparently they didn't. A week-and-a-half later apparently someone told the day boss, and he gave me some big lecture about how disappointed he was and how far they went to make a place for me there. I saw this for the lie it was.

Nobody on nights ever got to days because those guys know how sweet they had it and would never relinquish it.

I have a wealth of respect for anyone willing to take on night shift, because it's awful. But never again, not for me. That toll is arguably still being paid.

My current job is like this minus having to maintain machines however what I do have to maintain is beyond ridiculous for one/two persons. Without saying two much it is an 40,000 item department store and the day side doesn't do shit aside from a few people that do the work of three while the rest get to goof off sometimes smoking weed inside the building. As for manglement the only things they've cared about was padding their bonus checks cooking the metrics. We still don't know what happen to the $83,000 that vanished from one of the accounts meant for buying equipment as we still got the same shift from before covid aside from some pallet jacks a customer rejected.