Working Until You Die

Well, I've heard this before, that's what this german guy said to me one time, but honestly if you are not going to intervene in some way people are going to want to compete for resources and fight over what's available in some way, but that's not necessarily what capitalism is, but I'm just saying the competition aspect is almost unavoidable that's why it's considered freedom even though it's kind of a misdemeanor
one shouldn't document everything or keep some of that documentation offsite as leverage
I'm musing. I've gotten pretty good at keeping my notes cryptic enough that it would be frustrating for anyone else to decipher, and a lot of my note-taking is done old-skool on a legal pad anyway. They're occasionally badgering me to get documentation publicly available, but when I ask for time to actually go about doing that and cleaning up my notes and whatnot... crickets. 🤷‍♂️

They fire lynchpins time to time
I don't assume employment tomorrow to be a given. Wife used to work for the same company for a few months before her entire department's work was moved offshore. So it goes.

Also saw this recently and it seems to fit on this thread:

Welcome to serfdom I guess, I don't know what else to say, the privileges and assurances which might have existed in the past, especially for boomers, are increasingly not available. I don't understand why people get angry about this, I have already resigned to dillusionment and dejection a long while ago, this is not the first travesty to exist. Maybe that's how it seems for some people, you do everything right and then when you finally enter the workforce you gain awareness of the fact that there's a bomb on the bus and keanu reeves isn't going to save you, he was run over a long time ago.
Welcome to serfdom I guess, I don't know what else to say, the privileges and assurances which might have existed in the past, especially for boomers, are increasingly not available. I don't understand why people get angry about this, I have already resigned to dillusionment and dejection a long while ago, this is not the first travesty to exist. Maybe that's how it seems for some people, you do everything right and then when you finally enter the workforce you gain awareness of the fact that there's a bomb on the bus and keanu reeves isn't going to save you, he was run over a long time ago.
If people don't push back now it will be slavery for future generations hands down.
