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  • That's a good question...I'd know what to tell you if it was text, but I'm not sure about photography. You might try entering a few contests first, maybe some local ones, and seeing where that takes you? Or maybe google "publish my photography" and see what comes up.
    It's true, boyo! Your pics are gorgeous. I'm serious about that; they need publishing.
    HI efromm! Nice of you to stop by and say hello. [hug]. Hope you are well. I still see your blogs each time you make one. Noticed you had some work last week and enjoyed it. They say the economy is picking up. I'm losing my job this Friday. Here's to hoping we get gainfully employed when we need it.:high5:
    Hahahahaha.... Questingpoet called it the Italian Salute! Glad it brought it smile to your face. And thank you.
    I just have to say I love you photos...Im am frustrated photographer...I just got back form the wooden boat festival and took a few good shots but the Canon need fixed as the automatic focus is broken...Where is your blog?
    Was just reading your blog and was compelled to send a visotor's message. Sorry, wish I could offer some comforting words but I seem to have been struck mute. Instead, I'm hope this will help :hug:
    efromm. Did you get an email from me with the photo of your framed print hanging on my wall attached?
    Thanks man. I'm all for legalizing the "harmless" stuff and decriminalizing the rest. Why jail abusers when you can get drugs easy as hell in prison? It's not about helping people, it's just taking them off the streets for a few years and then putting them right back where they started.

    If we prosecute dealers and give kids actual knowledge perhaps our prisons wouldn't be such a waste of money and we would have fewer addicts and more seeking treatment.
    Hnnh, that Salmon and the Snail look like photos you'd take.
    May I see yours?
    Good just hanging out and taking photos when I get the urge. I was forcing myself so I stopped for a break, Been playing disc golf a lot though lol. That is great that you are doing so well! I know the pressure is on right now but it will be all worth it in the end when you buy that new Audi you want!
    Im ok...really busy. I have this huge summer long event where I am selling my flowers and it is hard work keeping up with the demand...But, word is out there and people are loving them. I was out buying supplies and some one said they had heard of me already. Very exciting, but very taxing too. How are you?
    Yes I do. But I have not been by there in years. Anything you want me to snap ya a photo of from over there? Actually I just got back from rosauers in Spokane Valley not that long ago. And I am planning on going over there tomorrow to visit a camera shop. I like the valley...
    I don't know where Orchard Elementary is. I went to Keystone then St. Mary's. Do you know where they are?
    Yes, I used to live among some of those lights. But I didn't realize you could see them from there. I grew up in Spokane Valley. Hayden Lake seemed much further away, but then again I was a child.
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