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  • Just started your blog. May take me a while before I get all 50+ pages read. Until then, just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your photography. I love being surrounded by nature and you capture this so beautifully. Also, many of your photographs took me back to my childhood when I traveled through Idaho on my way to and from my grandparents. Thank you.
    Hey! I need to brain pick you for a moment. We picked up an old yamaha SR250 as a beginner motorcycle. What kind of gear do you recommend? Its gonna be getting really hot here and I know that mesh jackets are recommended, but what are the good brands and which aren't? What about helmets? Which are quality brands? I didn't realize how exposed you feel on a motorcycle when in traffic and I really want to make sure that when I take a spill I have the best stuff between my flesh and asphalt you know?...
    Just passing through, wanted to say hi! Hope all is well with you, my friend. :)
    Things are going pretty good. Still have a lot on my plate right now, but I'm dealing. Also, I decided to do a little weekend get away so, I flew to Boston yesterday. I'm here right now, and fly back to Tennessee tomorrow. It's been fun, and I'm getting to spend time with my best friend which is nice. How's things going with you?
    I hope all goes well. Hopefully the pains will not return when you get off of the pills. Thank God you had them!
    Im alright...healing I am going to try to do this week with out pain pills well see how that goes.
    Happy Birthday Darling! I hope it's an amazing day for you, and the beginning of a wonderful year. :hug:
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