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  • I see what you mean. However, I was married to an ENTP for over ten years, and I can honestly say this girl is more of an introvert than the typical ENTP. I do feel she was "putting it on" a bit for the video, but yes, she was definitely a more extroverted example and I could have used a better one for my post. But as I mentioned, I do completely see where you're coming from.

    I think this girl is very sweet:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RNSPjyBG3g"]YouTube - INTP[/ame]
    why do you hate smalltalk so much? it's great. it makes people feel comfortable. and in addition to making someone feel good, you can sound them out because sooner or later they start talking about the person they really are. and also you can learn a lot by it when they start telling you about their trip abroad or whatever. you don't really want conversation to be intense all of the time, do you? what about with someone you don't really like? how draining.
    thanks for the flattering comments! i'm actually very boring in person though - i just start talking about things i'm obsessed with, and i find it very difficult to stop.
    I haven't been read. I would expect Nai'Xyy.
    It does make sense that many would be read that way.
    Do you know what the supposed "INFJs" tend to get?
    Annnnd back to thinking that I'm probably an INTP afterall. :D
    goddammit. edit: this feeling subsided fairly quickly
    but you're right about not fitting in with either group
    :] Yeah I noticed a while back I wasn't really fitting in too well with the INTPs.
    Realised a month ago that I could quite possibly be INFJ.
    Then a couple weeks ago I was like, yeah I'm definitely INFJ. Aha.
    Okay now it's getting bizarre. You split personality!D:

    Real world experience is one of the things completely unnecessary things in literature. Write whatever the hell you like! Then show me, I want to see.:>
    I have thought about it, but likely won't. I have videos on youtube so if they find it, and want to give it a shot they can. I won't seek it out. I have had people who know the methods agree to INFJ with me so I doubt it would be anything new.
    I agree with you completely. Something is very wrong. I still use what I know about their methods of typing though. There is stuff to be learned. I am just not going to learn it from the inside. Something tells me I won't come out the same (and not for the better).
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