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  • DUDE I ABOUT DIED LAUGHING!!! That country lovin OH SHIT!


    That reminds me of a restaurant back in my home town. It was Country Kitchen but it had lights burnt out in the letters on both sides. One side read 'Country itchin' and the other side read 'Count Kitchen'

    I have been watching stargate atlantis, doing dishes, cleaning the room, doing some laundry. I want tomorrow to be a relaxing day without having a bunch of shit to do. I am hoping to get some good practice in tonight.

    Thanks for your complements, they really give me that kick to move on. I like your shit too, I don't know enough about music to give technical details, but you are like Bradley Noel from Sublime in the way that I think you could just sit down and jam around people all night, just having a good time. You have that vibe :)
    Yay! Finals are over! now time to enjoy what's left of summer. :D

    Bah, I've been under so much stress for the past 3 years, I am going to need a whole summer of doing absolutely nothing to recover. So Odyne is going to be a tough case. :P
    Thanks MF! I have a long ways to go but if I can keep up my practice I will get there.

    What's new?
    No, but two of my friends who were driving up to bridger (the local ski mountain) at the time and were across the street leaving breakfast, they started to drive and were two builinds down when it went off in front of them. They obviously were quite scared and schokced (but luckily unharmed) their carwindows shattered though. I actually heard it. I lived on the top floor of my doorm and overlooked the north. I heard a low "boooffhh" noise but didn't think anything of it cause I am used to hearing the brush cars push snow around in the morning. Then when I get back from calculus I notice the smoke rising, and it got bigger and bigger (it started big fires). I took a few pictures of the smoke from my room window when it happened.
    Oh yeah, the carnage was epic from what people told me. The town was "Destroyed". Bozeman's had a number of disasters in the past decade apparently. Sophmore year (a lot of stuff happened sophmore year) a resturant exploded on mainstreet. Not fall apart or collapse, full on exploded like a bomb and left nothing but rubble and dust in its wake (huge gas leak got lit).
    Ouch. Yeah my university is a lot more sensible with their money for the most part. A lot of it goes to acedemic programs. The dorms are a wee bit lacking in my opinion but they aren't too bad. The dorms got a TON of new windows for free. There was this massive hail storm out there in july where it dropped stones the size of softballs for 5 minutes. Broke 437 windows in the dorms alone. All the broken stuff (not just windows) got replaced. All free replacements though; yay insurance claims!
    university won't renovate them because the "work often enough and the benifits of keeping them outweight replacing them". Aka they can't afford it, haha.
    Nope, twas an empty elevator. I just herd a terrible grinding noise then some clunking (the elevators are from the 60's and they breakdown all the time). They never caught them, and I discovered the next day that the elevator had death by pillow, haha.
    The most epic thing that I remember was somphmore year apparently someone shoved a pillow between the doors of the elevator and the shaft caught it, and the cotton/polyester stuff inside wound up in some gears and froze the elevator.
    haha noo I requested off for the halloween weekends because I had plans each year. My friends who worked it though said it was EPIC. I came back to my door sophmore year drunk (I lived in the dorm I worked in) on halloween and hung around the desk for a while. I remembered it but when I came down the next day my boss said to me "so I heard you were drunk last night *glare* ahahahahah! thats hilarious, so and so told me you wouldnt stop talking" (I dont shut up when I am drunk). The characters that came in were quite, well, they were quite the characters, and 75% of the girls were slutty nurses, vampires, or schoolgirls, hahah.
    A BAT?! THAT IS AWESOME!!!! Wow that is pretty intense. I wonder how it got in their in the first place. Ahh the stories one aquires from working in a dorm. I get to do 3 night shifts (one saturday night) the week(end) before classes start next week. Full of freshmen. It's gonna be sooooo epic (and such a pain) hahaha. Did you take any pictures?
    That's because TLM is already a Cap'n. Cap'n Obvious! Small matter to change that to 'Merica.

    LOL. Yeah, NAI is totally The Hulk! I see SH as the Flash; Arby as Storm; Entyqua as Batgirl; Odyne as Wonderwoman.

    What about Wyote, Satya and NV?
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