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  • Actually, in the comics, Dick Grayson is the new Batman, so we're not really all that far off in chronology for you. And Robin was a blonde girl named Stephanie Brown for a very brief time; she is now the new Batgirl and Bruce Wayne's son is the newest Robin. (Oh man, I haven't even read these comics and I know this stuff... I'm completely geeking lately :P)

    Now we just need to spread our batty infection onto the forum. What say you we infect a couple of other staff members with superhero identities? Indy would totally be Wolverine. lol.
    lol. Now there's a double-entendre if I haven't heard one! To the Batcave!

    Gah. Mind out of gutter, naow!
    We have the sharpest looking avatars on the whole forum! Take that RecklessDreamer and VH! :P
    I was going to make you the Caped Crusader... unless, you know, you decided to get an impromptu boob job and blonde hair extensions... :P
    Well, it's too bad. I'm stuffing you in the bat costume and I'm skipping around in my Robin cape now. Woooooh!
    I know Batman is never supposed to use guns, but check out THIS artillery! *flexes*

    You just want to be Batman, don't you? :P We can trade... for now.
    lool! well (c)hop (c)hop Bunny, you gots deadlines to meet! And don't forget proof-reading :P

    It's part of my volunteer work. I thought the best way to reach out to new students and promote the chapter is to actually be there for the new students. I am still jobless tho, I usually take up summer jobs, but I haven't had a real summer in 4 years now, so I am surviving on whatever I saved and the parents are helping out here and there. My program is just too demanding to study and work at the same time. *sigh*

    I'm jealous of the people who can do it tho! :P
    Yeah, that and I need a new racket, which I can't afford yet because of school expenses. It's tough being a student ain't it? hehe

    So late! how many pages do your essays need to be? You have an interesting major you know. I wanted to get into creative writing at some point, but I always found science fascinating..actually I found everything fascinating, so let's not discuss my career choice haha

    Classes start in two weeks. But I have to be in a week earlier. I am helping with orientation day and I gotta welcome the newbies. :D

    I am guessing the same for you?
    You did?! oops..

    I used to play with my dad a few years back, but school's been taking up most of my time now. Oh man that's near, are they almost done? I finished my finals two days ago. Honestly, I miss writing essays, I enjoyed the research/reading part more...and no I will not write them for you. :P
    I am no bunny! *frowns*

    Not much. Went to watch a tennis match with sis and then went to see inception, then went to fight with teacher for grades..and now I am here.

    How about you? Following the cabbage diet hopefully? :P
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