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  • its ok, who needs ears? pfffft

    all you need is brains
    do do do do do
    all you need is brains
    do do do do do
    all you need is brains, brains
    brains is all you need

    LOL Nobody said you needed to change your name to Ben--besides, we were talking about me--weren't we? Later NosePicker
    I think he goes to animal school. I am not familiar with the system, but I've heard it's a good school.

    This parenting thing is never easy. :/
    I will be giving up my sense of decorum and my name. I would be Mrs. Robinson...LOL
    I didn't lie to you. :(

    If we're sending Tux to school, then we must have neighbors. He can't be the only student there. I'm guessing they're just a couple of miles away though.

    We can move out further away if you want.
    lol, you're right. I didn't think about that. Yeah, Tux can take those to school with him and even share with his friends. Not sure if the rest of the penguins like cookies though. Tux is kinda special.

    Or we can just give'em away to the neighbors?
    One chocolate chip cookie in the morning, barbecue for lunch, and a bonfire and marshmallows in the evening. Once every two weeks!

    Oh.....uhm.....well, YOU STARTED IT! lol
    What were you thinking waving around a giant pillow like that?! Coulda annihilated all of Manhattan. Sheesh.
    A ferocious one too! There is no backing down now. I am mobilizing my down-feather pillow army. You better be ready, sir!
    Okay, deserted island--you, me and the internet. You didn't ask for a computer though..(LOL)
    Yes, do something because your avatar is horrible. I can't stand to see it next to your writing--I find it disconcerting.
    It would have to be cigs or the or the other...think about it...

    I really hate your avatar too! Just thought I would say that. Now it will be imprinted in my mind that you look like that.
    No big plans really. I travel when I have the money, when not I pick a book and read or watch an old movie. Yesterday I saw Charade. The one made in 1963. I never thought I would enjoy old movies and classics like that. They're getting to become a favorite genre now.

    Ok, I see why you're taking history in school. Because I wondered why would anyone take History in a classroom when they could just read about it?! There could be research, got it. I actually like History a lot, but only learning it on my own and reading. It really is like time traveling, you get to live in a different era and ponder over why people made the decisions they made. I combine that with reading about philosophy and it's just the best couple of hours of my day. :)
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