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  • Well we are a pretty old civilization so there is so much history in the world to catch up on. :P I understand what you mean though, I think that class would be less intense if it was during a regular term, no? To be honest, History is one those subjects I 'd rather read about on my own than learn in school.

    I only took one summer term. I am now off of school, on a vacation I sooooo need. My last class went oright, not as well as I wanted. I guess I lost the motivation half way through. Things have been pretty hectic the past year, but I guess once I get some rest I'll be back in shape for next year.
    Tell me about it! I feel so sticky, like my own skin is just too much to wear. We don't have central AC in my building, so if we wanted we'd have to buy one install it, and keep it on, which would increase our bill as well. What I do when it gets terribly hot, is put some clothes on and run for the library with laptop or books. It's air conditioned there. It gets hot like that every summer, specifically on July and August.

    How are your classes going by the way?
    Thanks for the rep! Wishing I never stopped smoking the pipe blend. Plus there are all kinds of flavors too. Gotta love that...
    They are probably closer to "hills" than "mountains" I am thinking.. hahaha. I will show you though. We have wind farms on our hills too :)

    Lol in 30 years I'll have like, eight children and ten cats probably.
    Airmail me a deer? Hahahaha! Imagining that is hilarious. I live near-ish mountain-y sort of things. I can get to ski-able mountains in like, 4-5 hours drive I think? On the next fine day I might take a photo :)

    Why in 30 years??? Haha

    Oh yes. Not only hot, but also humid, and all I got in my room is an average power fan. So I take cold shower twice a day. Sometimes, I have trouble sleeping at night because it's too hot.

    What about you?
    That sounds so cool :) I wish I could do that. it's rainy and crap here at the moment though, and there's not really any woods I could walk to. Oh, and i doubt I'd find cute deer. Bambi! :P

    Corn is so delicious. Actually one of my favourite foods, I suspect.

    I hate to be a nag, but did you remember what you said you were going to do today? Lol
    Oooh, I wish I had ice-cream! I am hoping that M will get me frozen peas and corn while he's at the supermarket and hopefully that will make me feel better. And I'm eating cold pizza. :]

    That sounds amazing. Were they adorable? :3 I wish I had woods near my house.
    I don't know, reallly.. just feeling really terrible moodwise. But I've managed to stop crying so that's a plus.

    How has your day been? (or has it just started? :P)
    Yes! Cause he certainly "knocked them out!" lol

    And all those dancing lessons must've paid off. I am so proud.
    Yes! It's more like looking through a keyhole, only to find another eye looking back....but a little less creepy and a little more funny. XD

    Notice we had two posts posted at the same time, one at 10:52 and the other 10:53..that would be a double jinx.
    :o ! tinychat, nao! :D
    gogogogogogo :D

    Juuust kidding :D! Actually, since it's still Saturday for the majority of the forum, tinychatting could be an option!

    anyway, happy to hear you have a squeaky new webcam :D! I see you've already used it, too xD. Nice picture :D!
    Good to hear :D! If only you didn't have to leave D: Hopefully there will be a repeat performance soon :D
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