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  • No big plans. Me and my bestest are going to play Bingo tomorrow and I will probably keep beading things. Still busy. I'm glad you are getting some down time. Don't spend it all on the forum. Go out get some sun so you aren't so blindingly white.
    Forgot to mention, I am terrible at chess ^_^

    /stops being creepy now

    Looks like it's gone now, haha. And yeah, smilies are working now, I can see them. test: :D , test: :becky:

    OR you can come with me to New York! Where in Michigan do you live? Maybe I can stand on the other side of Niagara Falls and wave. :D
    Thank you :-) I've just been going through old ones because my skin is really bad at the moment and I feel horribly unattractive (vain, I know).

    Zelda is very pretty, though :D
    I'll pass, I didn't really plan on making a thread. Truthfully I just wanted to see someone's reaction to the image.
    Yeah, I went down to Boston and Newport for a weekend. Nowhere near Michigan though. :(
    I might stop by New York on another weekend soon, but nothing definitive yet.

    I'm glad you're back in action. *tackle hug!*
    THE HELL IS ON YOUR PROFILE?!?! *covers eyes*

    How can I ever reply to you now?!?!.......
    Can I create a controversial thread that I will have to close for the sole purpose of using this image

    This is key then — what was the meal (and please be specific). Thanks!
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