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  • Your worst nightmare?


    A dream come true.

    I don't know what is wrong with you! Where the heck did you get your new avatar? Please tell me that isn't your 6th grade school picture or something...
    35 is still super hot! And yeah, 40 was horrrrible. I tried to stay at home as much as I could because most of the houses there are air-conditioned. :)

    I plan to learn someday, but only when I get a car. haha. It's not really necessary to know how to drive here, there are heaps of buses and I can walk across town in like an hour at most :P
    Was wondering because I tagged you in my note just today, the poem I'm Yours was written for you, not just for you, but definitely for you, and with you in mind. I just wanted to let you know that. <3
    Ohhh I hate being way too hot. It makes me faint! I just about passed out during my sister's wedding photoshoot, it was like 40 degrees. What's the temperature where you are?

    I like being a passenger in cars, but driving is just... too scary for me. I plan to learn someday when I can afford a car, but to be honest I am kinda putting it off because it scares me. I have a bad habit of avoiding things because I'm anxious about them. :/

    Haha thanks for making me feel better about my (not-so) alien face :3
    I am sooooo jealous that you have warmth.! Feel free to share it, the weather is shitty here. Rainy and windy as fuck. Not too cold today though which is nice. Oooh drivers license. I'm bad, I don't even have my learners license. I started to try to explain the licensing system in NZ but its quite boring so I don't think I will. :3 Driving terrifies me though. It makes me so anxious, being in control of a huge piece of metal and rubber... eeep.

    & thank you. :P I think my eyes being puffy changes their shape and makes them weird looking. Glad I don't look as alien as I think I do.Haha
    A bit better :3 My nose is slightly less runny and I can actually breathe out of it which is amazing since I am not used to breathing with my nose, especially when I sleep. My eyes are super puffy coz I've been sneezing heaps though! (you can sorta tell in the photo I posted :/)

    How are you? :)
    Creepy like I hope to god I don't meet up with you in a dark alley with nobody else around because OMG you are walking toward me and I feel like running and screaming and praying for my mother or father to come rescue me from the crazy guy with the wild eyes and strange ways....Phew...
    Briefly, Briefly....
    I refuse to stay/be addicted to this place. Why do you always have such terrible avatars? Sheesh.
    that's weird you say that...while we were in NOLA I was talking with my girls about a career change and perhaps teaching.
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