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  • I hope so too :3 my nose is starting to feel a tiiiiny bit better.

    Have a good sleep :smile:
    Oh &

    That is a little embarrassing. Not to worry, bamf, there will be an opportunity to redeem yourself soon ;D
    Bring me some. Deliver them personally, please. :smile:

    You seriously do not want an Elo-vomlet! hahaha. Seriously, they're so bad. I have no idea how it turned black. I don't really like cooking... haha
    BACON OMELET? i don't usually like eggs, but i do like omelets.. as long as they have cheese in them. but i am so shit at making them that they are affectionately referred to as "vomlets". Yum.

    Nah you can get peanut butter anywhere here thankfully :3 It's just the Peanut butter cups that are hard to find. I actually want to try Reeses Pieces.. I've never had them. I wish I had the money to come visit America again.
    Are you going to tell me what it said or this going to be some kind of guessing game? o_o
    It sounds like a strange mob nickname. :P

    PEANUT BUTTER CUPS? omg. We have some in NZ but they are hard to find. Om nom nom. I am guessing if they're centered around artery-clogging breakfast food they have bacon? I really feel like some of that. :P
    Awwww sleepy Bamf :P you could go to sleep? xD

    I can't even remember the last time I ate breakfast.

    & in response to your rep comment -- yes. Definitely yes. :love:
    What time is it where you are? :)

    & yes please, Chef Bamf. Chicken noodle soup would be lovely. I always forget to eat :/
    I'm not feeling too well today so just sitting in bed, relaxing, blowing my nose every 2 minutes etc etc. :P it's already 5pm so I've nearly successfully wasted the whole day! It's really rainy, windy and cold today too so that makes a lazy day even better. :)


    of course. :smile:

    On a side note, I am far too addicted to looking for random gifs on Google. They're fun. :D
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