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  • Howdy busy man! Sucks to be all grown up time for fun! Hope classes are going well.
    I guess I should include you on my Feeler rant. I wandered around saying all sorts of nice stuff to everybody else but then I got to you and it sorta fizzled out. Uh, don't read anything into that or anything though. Have a great day, study hard, do well, and so on.
    Yeah, I would. Hmm, next beers for the missus and I will be Bell’s Oberon and Anchor Liberty Ale.
    Possibly because I know nothing about technical things.... hahaha.

    I will definitely have to make more of an effort though - this is just unacceptable! :P
    In my country midnight passed, so happy birthday and all the best. Here are some birthday cats for you:

    Bambino, you should join the Four Letter Club for people with four lettered usernames :smile:

    The post areas tab :D
    It's very interesting. I was thinking about contacting Indy and telling him how much he posted in certain areas because he always told me he was interested to know how many posts he had in the admin area.
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