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  • Hahaha, that's great! I guess I'll see you there more often then. :D

    Yeah, sometimes you begin to lag when there is so many people...or if you're running too many chat programs. I don't know why but hanging out with internet people is sometimes pleasantly different than hanging out with RL people.
    Yeah. When there is a group like that or a even a couple of people I know I am usually there.

    I saw that you were there last night. Had a fun time? (:
    Yeah, I'm scratching my head. I've seen a bunch of these sites popping up lately. Vigilant Citizen seems to be especially popular. They seem to be doing a fine job of freaking people out more than providing logical back up for their claims.
    So to speak. haha I am a court appointed special advocate (CASA) and the child to which I am assigned is an auditory learner. Along with her other behavioral problems, she has failed two grades ... due to mathematics. I would like to equip her group home with the information they need about her in order to meet her needs (including educational.)
    I can, but then again, I'm a Taurus XD...Take that as you will.

    Floss at your own risk...
    Your dentist won't be happen when he finds out what tooth brush you've been "brushing" with! XD

    (But I don't really go to the Dentist NEARLY as much as I should lol)
    You absolutely should!

    Haha, last night is definitely going down on the list of my favourite nights in TC. It was just all brilliant. I couldn't even look at my actual toothbrush the same way this morning.
    that is kinda scary looking but it also looks delicious!

    i am going to have to come over and just eat ice-cream and drink dr pepper.. hahaha
    We should ask Elowen. But I kind of feel bad, considering she doesn't have broadband and she won't be able to sit in with us :/
    You better! Or I'll continue making empty threats! :D

    Cam/mic not necessary in TC. I've had some wild times just texting. We can get the party started if you want to. I don't know what TC to use, though :/
    Just having fun on the thread or is there a tinychat party somewhere I don't know about?

    Also, I don't mean to snoop, but it IS right there on the wall... If you're ever in Toronto, buddy, you're like literally in my backyard. I expect to see you. No excuses.
    Well then, get that passport!

    Or I can just come over, since I have mine. :D but there is more to see in Toronto. :P
    Haha yeah! I got that one right by pure guess too XD.

    I love it when something on Jeopardy is relevant to school. Back in my Geography class, My teacher asked the class what the second-most populated country in the wold was, and I quickly shot up my hand and said, "India". She asked, "how did you know that?" I said, "It was the answer to the Final Jeopardy question last night?"
    *adjusts pocket protector*

    Hahaha oh so true! And Kids' Week is awful because I don't get to think.
    Teen's week is only slightly better.

    Ken was and still is my Hero. I got involved in my Scholastic Bowl team because I wanted that buzzer experience and to be seen like Ken lol.
    Depends where you get the hotel. I usually split the expenses with my family so it comes down cheaper.

    Lansing looks like a really nice city, and it is close to Toronto. Hmm.
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