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  • and awesome or not, you are simply my favourite. :smile:
    (You are awesome tho, which makes it all even better lol :P )
    I think I will enjoy it here too, everyone has been so friendly and welcoming, despite the circumstances. It's nice to have a place to vent. I know how close an internet community can get, i used to belong to one a while back that was fairly close but the site admin just got so power hungry and was such a chauvinist that I just couldn't deal with him anymore. He would steal my ideas and claim them as his own. Grrr. I did something rather juvenile, yet funny at the time, to get kicked off because I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of receiving a resignation. I guess I wanted to go out with a bang. (Sorry, bad choice of wording but that about sums it up).
    Thanks a lot, and I want to extend my condolences to you as well, since I am definitely not the only person who is experiencing the loss. I definitely plan on sticking long as no one gets too weird-ed out by it. I know I can never fill the void he left here. I am definitely a believer that a "digital" friend is no less a friend than a "real life" one. Some of my best friends in the world are people I've never physically met so I can totally understand the connection you had with him. I'm just very relieved that everyone here has been so receptive of my joining the forum so far.
    It truly is not a problem. John and I was very close as we had the same interests....But he always seemed to get me into trouble! lol I laugh because it was all so funny at the time. I have so many stories to remember him by.
    John and I are a lot like in many ways as we both have anxiety issues, and I do have some depression issues as well, but not as deep as what John had.
    I do remember one time when he came down for the whole week(before I got married) and he had a huge breakdown and I walked him through it and finally told him that maybe he needed to see someone for it.
    If you feel like you need to chat about anything, i am here to listen to anyone. I really enjoy doing it as well, maybe that is why John always vented on me.
    John, if you can see this, which I know you already found a way, please understand when I say I am still here for you. You need anything, anything at all, let me know. I will still talk to you like I always have. Rest in Peace my brother, rest in peace.
    Damn! and here I was full of hope that
    my feminine wiles would get my prize!

    What article?
    It's amazing how I can go from
    reading well over a page a minute
    to not even being able to focus
    long enough to devour a paragraph
    on busses. So much noise.

    I will be sure to move extra
    provocatively for your viewing
    Your last two blogs have really struck a chord in me as your words often do. I want to write but I get lost in the overwhelming flow of my thoughts. I have been away so long I don't know where to start, and there is much ... hurt, fear, anxiety, anger. I feel lost. I keep saying I'm a mess but outside I guess unless people really know me they don't see it. I laugh I smile. But my turmoil is excruciating. I'm sorry. I wish I knew what to do.
    I would never siphon your gas!!


    Really, public transport is the way to
    go. I am going to live in a city so that
    I can rely on it.
    :) And you know, it wouldn't have to be just one. We could make it an annual event, so if some can't come one year - they can come next.

    Kind of like a real family reunion. :D
    Summer is usually a good time for most people...maybe we could all meet in Chicago, or New York, or St. Louis...or some major metropolitan place that is "fairly" cheap to fly to, or easy to drive to. And maybe a group can carpool if it's not too far for them.
    :) It just reminds me that we really do need an INFJ meeting, where we can all come together someday soon. Maybe in the middle of the country, or something.
    Those are some wise words, from your friend's priest. It definitely wasn't the John we knew - I just wish I'd had the opportunity to exorcise that not-John from true-John! But...would;ve, could've should've. And hindsight is always too close.
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