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  • :hug: right back. Even now, he's teaching me something. And I both hate and love him for it. Eventually it'll just be love, though.
    Hey MF.
    I'm doing ok. Going through the chat histories with John. Thinking. I just read through QP's post and listened to the LOTR song. Cried. I couldn't make it through yours yet.
    I'm sad as hell like you are Drew. But life will go on. I have many responsibilities. I feel I have done service to John and his memory today by coordinating this for many people on the forum and on FB. It's my way of paying homage to a man who deserved better than life gave him. I wrote a small poem today, but my sad is not gone. It will generate more musings I think. You pulled out my favorite pic from our silly picture war. I so loved that. I just had to be included...what a good time!
    Thanks! That’s back from a time when I was really into 3D modeling and rendering. That was originally rendered @ 10,875 pixels horizontally — it was for print.
    It's just such bullshit, lol.
    No matter what someone
    is selfish, always. It's hard.
    There is no perfect balance.
    i rarely let anyone hug me. even my parents. in fact one friend I have known for four years almost five was telling me he only remembered me letting him hug me once, when I was crying, and that's because my father and I got into a huge fight on that night. so if i could give a real hug here i would, and like any good hug, let the one who started it decide when to let go.
    I want you to KNOW something Drew... know, you are ALWAYS in my heart and I hope and pray for you... I am serious about all that jazz, and I believe you're amazing. I know we are distant, and that we only say hi now a days every now and then, but I consider you among my friends and definitely one of my very best friends here on the forum. You most definitely matter to me, and I hope that you KNOW that and never forget it. If you ever wonder if anyone at all is in your corner, well I am. However distant, however silently, I am here... hoping, praying and yes loving you. =) I am so happy to know you and I believe in who you are. <3 Hugs, love, and All That Jazzzzzz....... <8 <--- the infinity heart.
    much love to you. If I'm feeling this crappy, then I can't even begin to imagine how you're feeling right now.
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