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  • T
    Thanks ;D

    I can keep doing this all night baby.
    However, I'm going to sleep now.
    Here's what I think of you being serious:
    I was thinking something more along
    the lines of something your wife would
    Oh I feel you.
    It is SO cold.
    I practically
    freeze in my
    bed every night
    now. Even with
    all my layers of bedding.
    I just need moar.
    I like fireants.

    Hot cocoa and hot damn
    compliment each other well.

    I'll paint you a fireplace.
    When I come we should
    build a fire in your kitchen
    and sit around it and drink
    hot cocoa. With no alcohol.
    Well, perhaps to fuel the fire.

    I will pet your left forearm
    and tell you stories about
    I've spent it drinking and smoking, my stomach is not happy! I am definitely done with drinking for the month, unless it is a single cocktail or something. It's been good though, upbeat and low key at the same time.
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