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  • Since we're talking about fridays, then today is the day where you go to the weekly engineering party and watch people get hammered and do fun/ crazy stuff and games. ( I watch because I don't drink, but we got good beer for cheap!) Weekends are spent with family.

    Weekdays, you go to classes and machining shop where you get to make your own gyroscope from scratch, then spend more crazy time with crazy engineers in the lounge.

    So, do we have a deal? :D
    heh, oh yeah? which half is that?

    Ooo, trading places, I approve. We can each spend a day pretending to be the other one. But I have to know, is it fun to be mf? :P
    Hi mf (which I pronounce as mooff rather than omphf), I'm feeling an odd combination of crotchety, excitement, stress, contentment, and tiredness. How's things in mooff-land?
    Well the weather man says all the rain is coming form the US. *glares*

    I am in Montreal, so yup pretty north of you, right around where Vermont and NYC are.
    Well, when you throw a bottle like that her, I am sure the trip would hit her hard. lol

    East coast of Canada? :P Naw, I am in Central Canada, but yeah we've been having crazy rain non stop for the past two days along with the east coast.
    Oh nooo, the bird! are you sure it's just napping?
    (that made me giggle out loud btw heh)
    cold and sunny is how I like it! too bad we don't have many days like that here.

    *stands in her balcony to intercept* :D
    lol, no, but I am definitely in the mood to. I just want to run away from all this rain!
    What if I just keep my eyes closed?
    I can be the blind one, you know.
    See no evil, speak no evil, say no evil.
    Except maybe with a different concept
    since you're evil.
    They are.

    I thought yours were too.
    I was going to make the comment that we are the same person.
    Brown hair, blue eyes, dads that are 51.
    But your eyes are brown.
    Now we're not the same person ):
    I like being average.

    I cannot come this weekend.
    My grandpa's having a party.
    He's like sixty. My dad's really
    family-oriented so I have to
    Please do (:

    When my friend Derek worked night desk
    I would go sit with him every night. You
    need a friend to deter all the Shelby's
    across all of the lands.
    Well, I haven't read The Crying Lot of 49 so I think I will go with that.

    Thanks Drewski (:
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