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  • !!! You are so interesting! I can't believe it! So outspoken.... unlike sooo many other people!

    But Ireland....~ I get you're from Ireland and all~ but to me isn't the fact that it's more than slightly taboo more of a reason to talk about it? Ireland is such a funny country :D I've been there! Oh and this guy I find extremely sexy has this Irish father :0 so sexy~ aaanyways ~ Ireland~ that one "super catholic" country that drinks a lot of naughty alcohol? Right?

    Okay back on topic~ Yeaaa I knoow I should be more cautious with the labelling and stuff~ you're not the only one to comment on that~~ But don't woorry I, personally, welcome eeeverybody to join~ I'll publish my personal statement regarding that mentality on the social group~ Do you have any tips?

    But don't woooorry about not having a lot of input on these things :)~ I find it glorious enough that there's someone as interesting and unique in the social group~ I mean you took the liberty to even tell me that you weren't going to comment :D That's so interesting!

    Don't worry! All efforts are being directed in order to create a more interesting world.

    P.S. Boring world sucks
    Agh no worries, my intentions aren't as sophisticated. I am a very simple person that enjoys the hedonistic pleasure of learning more about people coping similar situations differently.

    Live and let go~ life is just a fruity bowl~ Live life before you get to old~ This post is full of stupid trolls!
    Ooooh~ uuuh to talk about gay things~ Then Slant said "Invite Melkor" And me, naive at best, believed her. But apparently that wasn't the right thing to do :'( ?
    Oh, how I've missed you. Shall we drink and sing songs of doom and gloom?
    Saw this, thought you might enjoy it

    "Remember me, Cloud? When I killed Aeris, I talked just like thiiiiiiis!"

    Suppose it only makes sense if you've seen Who Framed Roger Rabbit though.
    (Just search "Remember me eddie" on youtube for the original)
    if so, I apologize for any inconvenience or discomfort this may have caused you.
    the management.
    Do I detect some hurt feelings? I had no idea you were so sensitive. are you sure you're not one of these touchy feely F types?

    I think you're awesome btw. Anything bad I say to you is always in jest. As I'd assumed your " attacks" on me were. I actually enjoy our fencing sessions. Few here have the stomach for a no holds barred trading of insults.
    I would post it in the writing and languages forum. Also, I don't want to talk about the details of my mood and life, sorry.
    I've said in the past, you can't "force" socializing. It just happens. I've been doing alright, all things considered.
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