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  • ...on what precisely?

    oh, the showmance? No, just performing in general actually. xD;
    I'm still indifferent to you, if that makes you feel better. ;)
    Well if I'm a bitch and you keep getting smacked down by me, I wonder what that makes you?
    Very insightful deduction! Although one must remember that the many many people of alternative sexual orientation suffer from social exclusion even in the Netherlands. Although it is written in law does not mean that norms in people have been changed.

    But But But You make me so curious! Was that intentional? I mean~ If you say "If you get to know me then you will understand" Isn't that kind of an invitation to get to know you better? You make me so curious~

    Oh and regarding her fetish for male male things~ Is that Yaoi? I know right, most of the people that write/draw/read that stuff are females~ You know the interesting thing about yaoi is that most of the male characters have strong feminine qualities attached to them! Now... you can deduce a great many explanation for this phenomenon... but one of the interesting ones could be that we could see that there is or isn't a relationship between sexual preference and masculinity/femininity. Now if you juxtapose this with men watching lesbian porn... We usually do not see females "acting out" of their feminine roles.... on the contrary, it seems to be less promoted.

    So why do straight women tend to place feminine qualities to yaoi? Such interesting questions regarding the very core of gender differences.....

    Aaaanyways~ My openness to sexuality.... I don't know... It could be traced to my exterior environmental factors.... but we could also use mbti~ whatever you want to the possibilities are endless~ Let's compare my situation to yours! We can gather more data that way! MORE DATA.
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