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  • I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom,
    and also of madness and folly,
    but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind.
    For with much wisdom comes much sorrow;
    the more knowledge, the more grief.

    What is a man but a miserable pile of secrets?
    Never tell someone to do something you would not be willing to do yourself.

    sound familiar?
    I was actually bored enough to read your biography, so did you fall in love with me?
    disgusted with me? or the world?
    and they have value to me... you seem to actively resist them though
    Personally, i don't think so.
    I'm sure you can try to seek out the good parts of it, but it's not getting any better, melk. We are in a state of both physical and social/moral entropy.
    i'm just clinging to faith, hope, and love. trying to, at least.

    (sorry if it wasn't the NF idealistic answer you were expecting :D)
    eloquently said, sir.
    you need to get a friend you can bounce your awesome ideas/words by :)
    yeah that would interesting relationship.
    i guess it's good that im heteo then. :D
    but like i said, i'd sooner go for the introvert than the extrovert, if you know, i liked their personalities..
    still, you're right, someone's gotta "lead"
    Im sorry :(

    This year has been so draining..I hope once its over though I can spend more time here on the forum :)


    Thank you so much I love you just the way you are too!!
    ah no worries. i didn't mean nevermind, as like to revoke what i was saying earlier, just for the record. I just started to say something and then thought better of it. i don't even remember what it was now, so it's not important.
    RE: the second paragraph: depending on what kinda relationship you mean, i'm a bit in the same boat.

    and that's a long story, but it depends on a lot of other factors besides introversion.
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