Sweet! Oh.. um I mean Great! not sweet. The voice masker is kind of creepy, but I kind of always wanted one.. ha, so anyway, um.. for you, I will try to keep the cuteness to a minimum. *makes stern face and nods head*
I'm sorry, I was writing a mail to someone so I wasn't paying attention.
Yeah, we'll talk tomorrow, although I have practice, so I'll have to see when I'm able to come online!
Good night, and spread your wings, my mockingbird!
The first thing I thought when I read your comment was - must be an INTP. Secondly, I will have you know that I am a very good mother. Thirdly, it has been my ambition for the last 20 years to be as UN-INTJ-like as possible. But perhaps you should write a book about an INTJ MOM. It could be a Horror story. ;-)
The Jester
It's because I was gone eating and my laptop went on 'standby'!
Fear not, my precious, for I am still yours!
The archery thing sounds awesome. Have you ever killed a creature with it? (Interpret creature as you wish.)
by "paged" I meant that as soon as what I had typed was posted another reply was added making a new page, people usually only look at the very last page of replies so it means that my reply is less likely to be read.
The Jester
A japanese martial art (I've just started it.).
And by god, I hate teamsports too. I mean, the contact with others I have now already sucks a bit.
But teamsports. Don't get me started on that. Like soccer.
Iz u gud at archer? U kill pples with bow?
I'm quite sure that god is the only being that can truly love me. Because in his eyes we are all his children <3 (Lulz)
And the heartwarming part was quite lovely if I must say.
Does Ireland marry men? And I had forced sex in mind too.