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    Heh, I don't have a desire to father you (yet). It'd be also kind of weird since we're practically the same age.

    I'd love to find out if you fit the character. It reminds me a bit of 'Dexter'. Have you ever read these books or seen the series on tv?

    Oh yeah, I absolutely don't mind a tall, pretty thin, young irishman.
    I'm a lost soul, looking for an individual like you to take care of me.

    We can find the answers to our questions together, if you desire so?
    You seem nice too, but I'm also basing that on your awesome introduction and pretty kewl avatar.

    Was the last sentence a reference to something I should recognize? :$
    I actually don't know what type I am. And ever since NAI told me he was an INTP, I find INTP's awesome.

    You can tell me what type I am when you get to know me better :]
    HAHAHAHA I didnt read my message till I posted it HAHA I meant back hair as in not literally back hair but rather the hair at the back of my head LOL something like a mullet LOL you should post up some pics!! dam.. Ireland. cool as hell place! I wanna go there one day!
    I think I'm starting to like you.
    I've sent you a friendship request, so we can make it official.
    sorry my coms laggin now LOL my internets a little unstable today :/

    hmm. some shots I plan, some are more impromtu like the lock 1 LOL the rest such as the flowers most of them I planned them :) you're into photography too?
    I can't really think of any to be honest.

    I see that you're an INTP. Should I be scared, or can I trust you to not hurt my feelings?
    If I can't trust you, this relationship will not work. </3
    HAHA you sound like me LOL
    I even kept my back hair longer ;)

    yeah being able to eat a lot and yet not put on a pound rocks man!

    where ya from anyway? just curious haha
    thanks for the comment on the pic! that was taken quite some time back haha I have some better ones in my blog now :)
    Melko, if you are trying to compare yourself with me, Please don't do that. Come on man, you are also fulfilled and may be i don't know in which areas you are. What do you like more in your life? tell me , i may not have achieved that happiness or knowledge, yet. no?
    Only people.
    I see that Christmas is trying to befriend you. Watch out for her, because she'll stick to you like glue.
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