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  • Thanks so much! An excellent doctor and a stroke of luck absolutely saved my life when I was 20 it's been a long road but things are turning out well! It was all very fucked up but I'm not sorry it all happened, I learned a lot from it I think!
    Ouch!! lol. I'm laughing because it's so bizarre it's absurd.
    I used to think I could see a surveillance camera watching me from my neighbour's rooftop. I was absolutely terrified. This was closer to the illness of my youth but still relatively recently, about 5 years ago I guess. But totally weird, of course there wasn't a camera there.
    I'm pretty sure I have minor ones regularly but I'm just like "yeah whatever" then I forget about it.
    It used to be pretty horrendous though, voices following me everywhere. But I think actually the worst thing actually was the internal voices "pseudohallucinations", they were so vivid and detailed and realistic, I was absolutely convinced they were real, I was constantly yelling "shut up, shut up!" etc I was pretty crazy, it's taken a lot of work to recover.
    lol yeah it is funny. Hallucination is not really a totally abnormal human experience I think. But it is very badly misunderstood by people who have no experience of it.
    I've just finished watching Entre Nos. Thank you for recommending it, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope you are well, my friend. :hug:
    I love your new avatar :) (but I keep doing double-takes because it's the same as the background pic on my phone).
    Yeah, aren't the illustrations great? I love this graphic style. I wish I could draw like that. I would love to do a course or something on it.
    I shared a room with a nice older gent who was getting fucked over by the respiratory therapist (he needed oxygen at night and they were refusing it to him ugh)…anyhow, yes, his fucking C-Pap or Bi-pap or whatever Pap fucking loud ass thing was going all night…not to mention them drawing blood while my BP was fucked up and my veins were collapsed.
    I swear if they had just given me something to help me relax it would have helped my BP which was still in the 160 range….but they were too afraid it would drop my HR back down so what fucking ever…terrible experience…didn’t eat…then the RN gave me shit for not eating (I haven’t eaten breakfast since I was in the coast guard at age 20).
    Some resident rounding joker came in to assess me and though I honestly should have stayed I wanted the fuck out of there.
    We need to reassess the way we do certain things in healthcare…but I’m sure you’re very aware.
    Holy shit…looking back on it now…I’m lucky to have not gone into cardiac arrest or had a stroke or something….jebus.
    Seriously…I don’t know how people can get better in the hospital…there was no sleep that night…I can’t see how anyone can sleep ANY night there…it’s gone from the model in the 50’s of being quiet to the phlebotomist flipping on the florescent overheads to draw blood at 2am…fuck.
    I was doing fine on it, it was when the Doc introduced Indomethacin (prescription NSAID, no biggie) that cause it’s to interact by me not metabolizing it properly.
    Yep, that’s that shit that almost did me in….I wasn’t even taking a high dose…and it wasn’t even for stress or high BP, it was prevention of migraine.
    Yeah, I didn't really want to finish on a sour note and go around compulsively bitching about how badly I got used (really need to resolve my tendency towards that compulsion).
    You don’t even know how badly I would like to see all these fuckers go down….I think they’ve gotten too cocky and oops…someone left a big fucking paper trail hahahaha
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