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  • The neverending question in my mind is will i ever be happy. Every reading I have ever had, has said yes. Just when. who know.

    He's just a great friend. He's a great person. I enjoy talking to him. There are very few people in this world I am comfortable talking to about everything. And He's one of them.
    I know you said you have to run. so just read and respond when you can!

    As I'm sure youve noticed, I prefer to theorize, than read up on what essentially is someone elses theory. I like the discussion about it, with a mind willing to take it into depth. I just thought it was weird, here he is, Texting me just a few days after a dumb boy
    Seems strange... anytime I'm down on my luck about a guy, I hear from a high school friend. He's always, literally every single time i've had a breakup of sorts, there. I just read a post on facebook about Kindred spirits. I wonder if there is truth in that possibility
    I have not read that book. All of the changes that I have made in my life and my brain, have been self realization pep talks. I have made many improvements remember where I was 14 years ago, 10 years ago, 5 years ago, 2 years ago, even last year.
    my parents tell me to just think differently. they dont support, they try to change.
    sometimes i absolutely love just closing the world off, and letting it take its course. Then I will come to, and figure out my place in the current reality. I used to worry myself to ulcers. thankfully not anymore
    Right now, give me an innertube and a cocktail. I'll float obliviously down the river and figure out where I am later
    LOL! no worries, you do not offend me. I was thinking maybe I had assumed that he was the guy, when there are many other guys that talk to me, I just didnt have them at the forefront of my mind at the time. Who knows! If only life were easier to read
    I need to learn to not invest all of my time and interest into a singular person myself. Though I knew early on that this relationship didnt feel right. I should really learn to listen to myself. Instead I went to a tarot reader, who said I had met the man I needed. So I stayed where I was in turmoil.

    You need to figure out the discontent. It will be an answer to something.
    Yeah, he wrote books about biology and stuff like that, he was an academic/scholar i believe. He was pretty intelligent indeed. I remember him mentioning hermetic teachings, and shamanic practices that really interested me.
    Oh yeah, that would be awesome, i'm not that familiar with him. I saw a couple of videos, sent by an uncle who's into psychodelic culture, and who thought i was a pothead, lol. It was mainly the whole pot experience i remember cracking up at some of his comments like "like that moment when you go too high and say, damn i smoked too much"
    No worries. I didn't even notice and don't even expect pronouns at this point anyway. They're nice, but I don't ask anyone for them.
    He came to where i lived a couple of years ago. Me and my father wanted to go, but i was out the city when he came. I'm more familiar with Bauhaus though.
    Hm, there is a "special snowflakeness" attached to titles like empath. Just as with gifted or HSP. Even if it's true, it feels odd to think of yourself in that manner. I suppose it's like any label. If you feel it helps make sense of your identity, it can be handy. Of course the reason there's that negative stigma with such labels is due to people defining themselves by them.

    I'm sorry to hear that man. You probably already know this, but that feeling is bullshit. That voice that tells you you're useless because you're not a productive little bee. It's fed to us from birth so we'll act like a normal member of society and not upset the mold. Still, knowing that doesn't take away the feeling. If you need to talk, I charge by the nanosecond.
    Leave my eyebrows out of this! It's not their fault they were tweezed that way! :p
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