Hi there,
Bare with me I am not used to this new site so I am not sure if i am responding in the right area
The book is based on the past, present and future. Its about a cyclic existence, where in the future we rediscover what we had already known in the past. The ideas you posted are very intriguing because the "pseudo" history I have been learning about emphasizes the same things. I am not sure how much research you have done into the ancients like the Egyptians and some even older tribes but it is presumed by some, I can only same presumed because of course this history is very looked upon as something that is impossible. There are sites out there that show that some of the older cultures in pre-civilization had an understanding of what we now know about quantum physics.
It is really a lot, being that I am both logical as well as inclined towards the more spiritual element there is a conflict in me due to this. I hesitate to believe all of it, but there is so much that you wouldn't believe it. I may share something with you in the future if you are interested

if time allows that is.
If you are interested in this type of thing you may want to start to look into the procession and galactic alignment, it started me on a four year research and about 400 pages worth of what people would call pseudo science and history both.
My book itself is about a future, an apocolyptic one, not something which has to do with Christianity but something different, something handed down from the times before Christianity emerged, its about how we go through two phases one when we are furthest away from the galactic center and the other when we are the closest. Again this sounds strange and is of course all theory, but the idea is that we are actually connected with a dual sun which moved our own sun in the procession... Strange I know but the book will be interesting. Sci-fi meets Atlantis. I have so much more to go on it though