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  • I've been well thanks, just haven't been on much. Hope things are well on your end. <3
    I haven't seen anything like that in the last couple of years. Besides, that thread isn't my thread. They are different. You can't let bad eggs from the past prevent anyone from posting an innocent thread.
    Yes, I was so horrified to see those pics. I actually cried. It is a type of psychopathy to see a beautiful, majestic creature...then blow it away, and seemingly take great joy and pride and doing so.
    Well, a tiny bit of trouble is healthy! And really, I would expect you to at least engage in a bit of trouble making!
    Neurosis is not a bad excuse for being stressed out!
    I don't know. I get jittery when I'm not on them, but I get nauseous some of the time when I'm on them.
    Thank you so much, man. I wish I had the cash and time, we could hit up the northwest together :-)
    Hey man!!
    How are you doing? Is life treating you well?
    I'm stressed out. I have a German exam for a short course that I need to get into college. 7 hours of German, Monday-Friday. I'm finishing next week, so that's good :-)
    Stress isn't doing me good, though. Back on benzodiazepine and strong urge to hurt myself. I'm hanging on!
    I couldn't resist it! It's so brilliant!
    Things are good for me! Life is starting to fall into place, and I'm slowly becoming a responsible adult *cringe*
    How's life for you? Keeping out of trouble?
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