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  • Right now I'm OK. Trying methods of avoiding self-harm. It's tough. I'm starting a bunch of new meds today. Hope they won't make me too sick. Where are you at, meds wise? Are you OK, man?
    No prob man. Yeah, I hope you're right about the consciousness stuff as I hope I can get rid of this body one day.
    Hey my friend! I sent you an email, I don't know if you saw :-)
    You're the best,
    man hugs
    Surprisingly underrated. I only watched it a few years ago and when I checked metacritic, it's score was only in the sixties. Despite the fact that almost every critic raves about the movie now.
    I've seen (and loved) most of their movies, but never Miller's Crossing. I'll have to check it out. The Big Lebowski is probably my favorite out of their works. It's just so...perfect. Everything in it works. The cast; the characters; the set pieces; the themes. And it manages to convey it's ideas so effortlessly. It's really a masterpiece.

    I just gave a quick read about Winco and it seems like they treat their employees quite well. Very much a Mom and Pop kind of deal. I usually go to big brand stores, because I want as little human interaction as possible when shopping.

    I don't think he's even worth that. He's an annoyance, but an ignorant and quite boring one at that. Though I can understand how you feel, there's another forum member who I wouldn't mind bitch slapping.
    He probably would scream like a girl though.
    Glad you're feeling a bit better. Hope your nervous system stops being such a dick.
    We don't have walmart here, but I can understand the guilt when you buy cheap from a large store. In college I always shopped at this struggling little store, but then a large supermarket opened up near them and I started shopping there. I felt like crap (even more so when the little shop closed down), but you've got to take care of yourself too.
    Soon, he needs to understand first. He needs to see his end is inevitable, that all he can to is accept it, even embrace it. That sounded way more creepy than I meant it to.
    Sorry to hear that. Sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes the bar eats you. I know that sounds like a random movie quote, but I think The Big Lebowski really summed it up better than I ever I could.
    Why?.... :w: Am I coming off sounding like a lunatic with him? :eyebrows:
    Sorry for not answering before, i've been doing lots of things and my head is in the clouds.

    Great to hear that! As for me, i'm good... But tired, and kinda bored. These weeks have been semi-secluded and lots of work, with no chance to meet up with friends, nor anyone. But overall, i'm great.
    Yeah the whole album is scrambled with details of a girl that looked for religion but was ultimately left alone with a "truth that would kill her" so to say. It's sad, but I'm not sure if it's true either.
    That's terrible about Sensiko's school. I used to live in Ireland, and yes, the whole system is controlled and entrenched in the catholic church. Recently it seems like the current government is going against the mold by being in favor of gay marriage and stuff. Let's see how that pans out.
    We've raped and pillaged the world for so long. Those pictures of people knocking over trees along the California coast that were thousands of years old that are going around the internet are heart-breaking. It's presented as "check out how cool this is!" and it's just so tragic. We're just wired to think that doing anything big and on a large scale is cool, no matter what it is. Just look at our fascination of the first and second world war. "So many people died, cool! Let's watch a show about it, maybe they'll show recreations and pictures of people dying!". Sigh.
    Uuuuhm but another thing, my INTJ friend is absolutely convinced I have synesthesia after explaining some of the stuff I see on a regular basis.
    May have to substitute glow in the dark stars on the ceiling, or a live stream of the sky at night... At least until mid April. Still going to be cold and snowy here.

    I've had the blue ball of light thing for a long time, although it first happened years ago when I was chanting in the dark. A Buddhist chant, wahahahaha, nothing trying to contact... Bored spiritual thingies XD
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