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  • My thoughts are with you! You're a fucking badass, this is nothing! Keep looking forwards!
    Energy can be a fickle thing

    Obviously if your body is physically suffering then that can take energy away but energy can also go when we are feeling bad emotinally

    It's a tough thing to keep things fresh and be energised especially when as we get older we find that things that interested and energised us in the past are no longer of interest!

    We shed skins like a snake
    Well one things for sure you can't squeeze people like that forever so at some point one side has to blink and play their hand

    For that reason it cannot go on forever

    We are nearing crunch time. Next coupla years...i reckon we will see something give
    I'm sure you will help guide him through these difficult times

    having someone there who is a constant and stable influence is so helpful

    I have hope for the future too; i think we are now beginning to see some positive signs for the first time and it couldn't come sooner!

    i think the next two years will be big ones in terms of how things play out long term

    The younger generation is increasingly radicalised and now they just need to organise so that they can pool their strength
    The baby boomers are pretty much sitting down on the sidelines now hugging their pensions

    I'm afraid they've left it upto us. However the younger generation is the most informed and technologically competent ever so the game is on
    The political stuff is a hard sell because its dry and for a long time has been pretty depressing!

    We are now finally seeing some positive signs but the system is still kicking the can down the road a while longer before we do the inevitable and make some massive change to the global economy

    The spiritual stuff on the other've posted some great stuff there that has been well received and it's good to see a resurrgance in such matters because it shows a shift in conscience as people strive for something more...something real and besides the political side is not going to resolve without the spiritual one doing the same as the two are one
    Oh man i'm really sorry to hear that

    I hope you are feeling better?

    I'll have a read of Merkabah
    Well thank you. I hope you have a wonderful day too. I think that is great from the Dalai Lama. I read The Art of Happiness, which is a book where a guy interviewed him. Have you read it? Its pretty good.
    This type of screening should be mandatory for anyone in a position to write, pass, and/or enforce any law, so yes, I would agree.

    The key would be to screen them without letting them know what they're being screened for. Psychopaths would work their way around it if they knew they were being tested.
    "...President Medvedev has supported psychopath screening in the police forces to reduce instances of police brutality and mismanagement. This is a solid first step that other countries should look at and implement on a wide scale..."

    What a marvelous idea!
    Thanks for the comment.
    I'm not sure if it's a good characteristic, but I actually like it.
    I cherish reasoning with the unreasonable. I've done it for many years. I see it as a challenge.
    The big big downside is the public. They don't like the discussion and might blame me for continuing it.
    stay strong!

    Well that doesn't surprise me at all! (: I noticed his views are very similar to mine in many areas.
    Yes, I'm completly aware of what is happening to me and my family and I'm trying to keep my common sense but I don't know for how long my body will be able to follow.
    This pain or depression or how to call it feels like it's in my deeper self. Deeper than I know myself.

    When did you start searching for more? You seem very deep in spirituality
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