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  • One note about arthritis. Im sure you know everything tbing there is to know about it by now but just in case...
    I have been to doctors concerning my knees, the right in particular.
    There have been times they hurt so bad I could barely walk. As I have gotten older it has progressed into my feet, elbows etc.
    The doctor takes a look and say yep, you have arthritis, here are your options. To include knee replacement, drugs and injections. He is an excellent doctor but... never once have any of the doctors talked to me about food.

    I have recently with in the past year and a half learnd that certain seemingly bland foods have been whats caused the large portion of pain. Nightshades ...potatoes and things of the like. There was I time I thought I would never be able to ride my mountain bike for more than a few miles anymore but now that I have cut those foods out I am back out there.

    Your issue is more severe but perhaps it may help to some small extent to consider trying the same if you have not.
    Thats sucks. Sorry to hear that. The past days Ive been laid up in bed with back pain. First time ever. Not sure what did it.

    My health is weird. I am doing better with minor issues that remain but I am thankful because I know it could be so much worse.
    I think gluten has been effecting me my entire life now and I just never knew it. As my body has gotten older, it simply couldn't hide it anymore. Very lucky in many ways.

    So your issue, they know what it is and theres nothing that can help at least make it bearable?
    This is between you and me only - ok? I can't remember how I know...but I'm fairly certain of it.
    Why would you have offended me? I'm not opposed or hurt by feelings of confusion. My confusion is generally more accusatory actually. Like it's not my fault that I cannot understand what they are trying to get across.

    No worries. I thought it was pretty silly too, but I cannot quite make out what they intend by it. No problem for me though. ;)
    oh thank you!! I will :)
    pineal gland is best <3
    Good thanks...a little upside down and hectic, but good. Have been reading lots of Rumi's poetry lately. Been playing with some new Isis Oracle cards. How are you guys doing? Hope all is going well and the magic of life is clear
    Love and Blessings to you
    I've collected a few books in recent years on plant medicines and i'm planning over this winter to go through them. If i come across anything i'll mention it.

    The thing i saw about the bees was this dude in thailand who was a business man...his wife developed crippling arthritus in her hands and he heard about the bee sting method so he looked into it. She tried it and it worked so he then started his own bee sting therapy surgery (it might even have been on this forum that i saw it?); I appreciate there probably aren't many practitioners in the US though

    What really needs to happen is for someone in the medical world to isolate the healing properties in the bee stings and then package that as a readily available treatment for anyone to buy over the counter

    Big pharma won't do that though because its all about the synthetics and besides the corporations seem intent on killing all the bees!

    Know anyone you could put the idea to?
    I'm sorry to hear that

    Have you tried any alternative healing methods eg herbal or acupuncture?

    One method i've heard of for arthritis...but obviously a painful bee stings! Before you laugh....check it out online....some people swear by it. The stuff in the sting helps the joints
    I have a lot of ideas but lack the finance at the moment to get them going. I'm hoping next year will be more fruitful...but i said that to myself last year as well lol
    It has already begun...if you think about the magnitude of 911...that's the kind of 'plays' they are making now

    But with every wild move they make more and more people are left with that nagging sense that something is not quite right in the world...and that is the beginning of the process of questioning which then brings answers and inevitably the drive to change

    This latest move with ISIS is going to be used by the PTB to justify more anti-'terror' actions at home in the US and UK under the excuse of fighting radical islam at home but which is really about clamping down on the US and UK public

    However we are seeing more and more protests in the UK and US as the people wake up to the manipulations. Once a person becomes aware they cannot then undo that awareness so it becomes a growing wave of molecules vibrating from heat and passing the energy on to each other

    Yeah the system looks scary at the moment but these increasingly draconian steps it is taking are signs that it is under stress

    The protests in Missori are just tremors

    Do you get a sense of our reality becoming more and more unreal?
    I'm holding out hope for a radical change within our lifetime so that we can hand something more stable onto the next generation

    Judging by the speed of events i think such a shift is very possible. Since 911 the wheels of karma have gone into overdrive!
    Thats what a lot of it boils down to

    There is so much secrecy around the federal reserve system and the BIS (bank for international settlements) that most americans think talking about them equates to discussing 'conspiracy theories'; however little do they realise that everything going on with their economy and with all the wars all trace back to those central bankers

    The revolution is really a revoltuion of information not bullets....its about the discovery of these things by the public whcih then gives them the necessary knowledge to enable them to become politically involved in their own system

    well it seats 12 so we could split the cost 12 ways. We just need 10 other like minded folks!
    @rep. it was awesome wasnt it? I wish they'd not abandoned the 2D top down scroller format, have you seen the youtube "update" of wizball? They updated the graphics amazingly but did not change the gameplay at all
    I do too. They're good for a 'giggle' and 'what the...' sometimes. :). But yes, a lot of them are very interesting.
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