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  • :m131: Insane??? Us??? Hah! I just read his response and he thinks he's okay. If that's all that comes of us interacting with him then we were most excellent!....Which we are of course. :hug:
    Thank you for going over there and talking with him. More and more I am coming to realize all of this diagnosis and labeling (like schizophrenia) the mental illness industry tries to do is damaging to those who are awakening empaths and the clairx's. I feel your words helped ease his mind and I am glad for it. :hug:
    Hey, no worries! I completely understand, and yes that is my current address.
    I've also been depressed for the past 3 weeks or so, also one of my past students just died of a heart attack yesterday...sigh. It''ll get better ,M, it will. :)
    There are little signs everywhere of what is about to go down

    The authorities are gearing up on both sides of the atlantic for some domestic troubles

    They are using the argument that there is a danger of people who have been fighting jihad coming back to the west and causing problems to tighten security on the rest of us even more....but its them that are funding the 'jihadis' in the first place!
    It couldn't hurt to have some essentials tucked away that you can use to ration your way through a crisis

    There will be a turbulent period while they transition us to the next system; if you're stocked then you can ride that out
    The influx of people from countries south of the US and the way the department for ho9meladn security is helping them into the country makes a mockery of the whole argument of clamping down on the US citizens to fight terrorism...because how can they be tough on 'terror' threats and yet be allowing anyone and everyone into the country?

    They put US citiznes through stringent TSA checks at airports yet they are letting in anyone from the south
    Yeah i'm slightly worried about the political climate in the US as well lol

    But i reckon determined people culd carve out a wee corner out of sight of federal interference for an off grid community; you can keep the pretence of being on grid but have everything in place to switch

    However with all those mexicans pouring into the US there will probably be land becoming available down there! You could just swap countries with them...they can have the oppressive government and you could sell them hard drugs

    Tequila for beer, soccer for's all good!
    There must be some great opportunites in the US for such a venture

    As we keep saying...we need an island...INFJ island!

    We need an island somewhere warm where the government isn't very intrusive....with good soil!
    hi! sorry i took soooo long
    i ended up having a quintuple bypass, with vein harvested from left arm, left leg, and an artery from my chest wall too i think. yes it was really helpful that you talked to me about it! i was feeling very alone as far as that was concerned. everyone i knew was freaking out and i couldn't just talk objectively about it if you know what i mean
    i'm feeling back to my old self now except that i've gained a considerable amount of weight that needs to come off NOW! the good news is i'm still not smoking. i want to every day but so far i've not caved in
    yeah, unfortunately I got frustated a bit and lost my cool. anyways, its because of me, i have to learn to temper myself.

    it was all cool with your post. It was just me and my mood. I'm sory for it :D
    Thanks for all the thumbs!

    Aww, don't say that lol.

    I took a semester off the forum. I needed space from here to find myself more,and to deal with my schedule. I took two grad level classes, voice, private tutored, and TAed for two classes. It was interesting and invigorating (at first) to be that busy, but I noticed that my grades were better because of this arrangement. When I wasn't in school, I was teaching my students who asked about energy and spirituality, doing card and angel readings,practicing energy work with my various circles,and elevating myself. Oh yeah, and I graduated: ) I decided that I'm going to take the summer off, take my mcat class in the fall,my mcat in January, then apply to grad school and D.O school,and take my pick from there.

    I'm glad that you two are working again :)
    I realise what you said, but the problems I was pointing to are different.
    It had absolutely nothing to do with your Dad. You post so much stuff there it should be under blogs. Just for the record, I thought you might see that as a good idea. Your own blog about merkawhatever.
    Bwahaha! Your rep comment made me smile! No, no itemization! This lioness can't be tamed! But we are friends, though! I like to educate him on good music!
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