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  • Hey man. How is it going?
    Did you tried some aloe products for your arthritis problem?
    There may not be a right time, but I believe there is a wrong time to have a family. For example, myself right now, being a recently laid off broke ass fool, wondering what to do now.

    I will probably be wearing a condom.

    Interesting about the mormons. I've heard that often when 2 are paired up, of the same sex, and go on their mission work (not sure what it's called, but I believe this is standard?) often, all kinds of gay stuff happens. Which, you know, whatever.

    But yes, that's great your parents chose your son over their beliefs. It would be rather atrocious otherwise, IMO.

    I am an agnostic for all intents and purposes, and my father criticizes me to this day, though I usually put him in his place. It's rather irritating, to say the least. But I'm pretty used to it. Plus I haven't been kicked out or anything.
    More power to you. It's been hard not having a family of my own. Of course, I wouldn't start one if it wasn't the right time. Maybe it's to be, maybe not.

    I don't see how you can fully experience life, until you create one.

    Glad you found your little buddy. Sucks about the others. I bartended at a place with 80% middle aged married/divorced clientele. And if I didn't think it before, by god, marriage sounds like a deal with the devil, haha. Over and over and over, the same story, "I'm telling you man, she'll change." Kids maybe, marriage? Fuck dat. Have to be some seriously bizarre circumstances that I can even imagine that scenario.
    My god, if you're going to be a drug addict, why alcohol? Gross (obviously it's legal and the most accessible). I've known some REAL alcoholics, up close and personal. Jesus, what a nightmare.
    thanks! I don't really like to drink. I can still go out to bars stone sober and have a great time, but I have to be in a 100% sober mindset (hard to explain) first. I'm not in that mindset right now, haha, and I'm getting too old to get totally smashed, but I still manage to have a good time.

    I fit the stereotypical ENTP need for social stimulation. So I love going out (with the right posse), meeting new people, being around new people. Hell, I love going to the grocery store and shooting the shit with the cashier if they don't suck. I'll saddle up to the mechanic working on my car and charm him to show me how stuff works. I very much define myself, or develop a stronger identity through other people.
    Good question. Well, normally I'd probably be out galavanting and having face to face social interactions. But I've become my shadow side this winter and have withdrawn into forum land for social stimulation (it's not quite the same).

    I was on PerC, where the ENTPs were PLENTIFUL. For like 3 months. And they are so fucking ban happy that they banned me for reasons I still am unsure of.

    SO I've resorted to annoying the INFJs here. Haha, well maybe I haven't been. Actually I get along well with INFJs, more than any other type, with the ENTP exception.
    Yes. That would have sucked. This one was all done with lasers though, no blade involved. Its funny when they realized I wasn't going to take the drug, they took be to the back room and started poking my eye with markers. I mean my eye, not the eyelid. They said they were just marking my eye for the procedure but I know that was bs. They wanted to see if I would freak out when something touched my eye....
    I had lasik surgery. When I went in they told me to take this pill that would calm me. I refused, no drugs for me, if you can imagine. They kind of freaked out that I wouldnt take the drug, first person to go through surgery with out it. But, you dont see whats happening to you, so no big deal :)
    This is going to sound silly- but during meditation class tonight, we did an activity where we see ourselves being circled by people who inspire our meditation. Your face popped up - except it was this picture of you on the left, and it I was startled! LOL

    It's amazing what a group of people who are open can do to you! It totally changes you. I feel like a completely different person afterwards! I wouldn't have believed it when i first started- but now, it's almost inspiring to feel the change!
    Yes they are pretty wonderful :)

    The oldest is 5 (Nathaniel Isaac) and the youngest just turned 5 months (Zachary Mason). And you are going to laugh, but my sister's husband's name is Constantine, lol. It's not even a common name really. :)

    You sound like a wonderful father and he is very lucky that you came into his life and stayed for the long haul. You probably both need each other, and maybe that is why you and your ex were brought together in the first place. So that you and your son could find each other. Things happen for a reason, I really believe this.

    I know that having children has changed everything for me, and I thank the Universe every day for giving me these beautiful gifts. My son is very sensitive (he is definitely spiritually gifted).He told me when he was 3yrs old that he chose me to be his mommy before he was even born. I can't even describe how that affected me and touched my heart so deeply.

    I go out of my way every day to make sure I don't disappoint him. :)
    Bahahahahaha!!!! ...and I hear you about the mind refusing to ponder. But really....when have you (or I for that matter) ever had control over our minds???? ....Hmmmmmm????? [snort]
    "A worthy response".... those are the exact words I uttered when I read your questions to me over the weekend. :) Take all the time you wish. :love:
    Thank you so much for the article!
    I was thinking today about group meditation, and if an act of projecting happiness in a group actually changes the immediate environment that we're in- which then impacts how we feel. If we meditate, opening ourselves to kindness and love, does that create an environment that fosters this feeling? And then makes the experience of meditation more powerful?

    The more I read about the collective conscious and the conscious to physical world, more links seem to appear. This would explain residual energies within places!
    Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner! And yes, that is funny :). I have two boys. The one is a Scorpio and the other is a libra with Scorpio moon, mercury and he's basically a Scorpio, lol.
    I will eventually post something there. I like to take my time before jumping in. :).
    The reason is they are hot! lol. And our polar opposites ;) Yes, all my serious relationships were with Scorpios or someone who had the sign riddled throughout their natal chart (my hubby, being an example). My son is a Scorpio too! We can't escape them. lol. And you will never find a true Taurean turning away a good steak, lol.
    Yes, I have dated many Scorpios in the past. Very intense relationships, they were! Though I have noticed that in order for these two signs to really have a rewarding experience with one another, they must both be emotionally mature. It is very fulfilling when this is the case. My husband's ascending sign is Scorpio, so you know that overpowers everything else, lol. And him and I are perfectly matched, soul mates. I love the intensity of Scorpios. :m187:
    Lol, yes, I am pretty true to my sign also. The anger thing is right on. It takes a lot but once something sets me off, I'm like a bull in a china shop lol.

    I find it interesting that there are several Taureans on this site that seem to be very spiritual and have special gifts.
    Stubborn? I prefer "strong-minded" :). So we share a sign!

    I am very into natal charts. I see them as sort of a blueprint to a person's personality.
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